Anyone gotten a booster shot?

Not sure I’m going to get one.

Had mine about 24 hours ago. Dizzy headache arm pain and chills. same after 2nd shot. Hopefully gone by tomorrow. I can keep doing this every 6 months :frowning:


As did one of my daughters. The rest of us received Pfizer, and while reactions varied (by type and severity), there is no question our girl who took the Moderna vaccine got really sick. I hope that price brought her greater protection.

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Likewise. We, and most others we know, took whichever one was available. Pfizer for all but our D in Providence, who took Moderna.

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No not feeling better! I try to explain that I have an initial reaction based on a sensitivity, which is different from the side effects from the mRNA vaccine itself. The side effects have definitely kicked in :slight_smile:

Do you mean this study?

Day 1 → 15 after booster GMT

Booster → Mx1 Jx1 Px1
Jx1 57.1 → 3203.1 71.3 → 326.0 75.1 → 2549.5
Mx2 859.2 → 6799.8 638.8 → 3029.4 534.4 → 5195.6
Px2 356.6 → 6155.0 320.6 → 1904.7 223.5 → 3409.1

If you are chasing antibodies*, it looks like, for boosting, Mx1 > Px1 regardless of whether your primary series was Jx1, Mx2, or Px2.

*Of course, antibodies are not the whole story of immune response, and it is unlikely that high levels of antibodies will be maintained long term.

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For those yet to get their boosters, hope you have a mild reaction like me. It’s completely gone now. Got the Pfizer booster Thurs afternoon and less than 36 hrs later there’s no remaining soreness in my arm and I had no fatigue/headache/etc. All good. Easy peasy. Highly recommend!


Sore arm only for husband and me with Moderna booster. We had J&J.


I am boosted. 3 Pfizers. So help me to understand – am I now as good as I was in June before Delta showed up? Am I now back to being unlikely to be able to spread an asymptomatic case as they told me then? Or am I just even less likely to need hospitalization or die? Or do we really not know?

I had a Moderna booster yesterday morning and still have a pretty sore arm, but have had no other side effects. I’m very glad since my second Moderna dose back in February resulted in fever, chills and a headache between 12 and 24 hours after the shot.


And it’s to be noted that a full dose of Moderna was used as a booster.

Excerpt from the text of the article linked above (10/21/):

  1. We don’t know what a “protective” level of antibodies is. So, these fold-increases may not correlate with real world effectiveness.
  2. This study included Moderna at a 100 μg dose. This is different than what’s being rolled out (50 μg). This could influence results.
  3. Data was only presented 29 days after original dose. J&J seems to have a delayed reaction, so this data may miss the ultimate protection that J&J can provide.

I am so sick from my third Pfizer (2nd day) I am glad I didn’t get Moderna.

Same study, but those pages were comparing ratio of after-booster to before-booster antibodies, rather than the counts as shown above based on the study paper.

But, again, antibody counts are not the full story of immune response.

Pharmacies are overworked and understaffed – could be easy for mix-ups. Complexities of administering Moderna 1/2 dose booster shots.

“Committee members raised issues with Moderna’s plan to allow vaccine providers to draw booster doses from the same vials used to procure full primary series doses, expressing concern about the sterility of the solution after multiple vial uses and the ability to track the safety and effectiveness of the booster dose when it doesn’t have a unique code.”

"Moderna’s vaccine vial comes in two sizes, one with a maximum of 11 doses of the primary series (which typically yields 10 or 11 doses), and one with a maximum of 15 doses (which generally yields 13 to 15 doses). But the stopper on the vial can only be punctured 20 times (meaning only 20 shots can be drawn from the vial), so Moderna’s information for providers cautions that “when extracting only booster doses or a combination of primary series and booster doses, the maximum number of doses that may be extracted from either vial presentation should not exceed 20 doses.” Such limits increase the likelihood of wastage, particularly with the larger vials.

The different dose of the Moderna booster isn’t just an added complexity for people delivering the shots at an individual level. Hannan said it would be an additional challenge for immunization programs trying to monitor their supply and usage when the number of doses that are being drawn from one vial will start to vary."

And the difficulty pediatrician offices can have in administering the 5-11 Pfizer vaccine.

I had a 3rd dose of Pfizer. The next morning I woke up with pain deep in my spine, hips, and legs, and of course a sore arm. Not excruciating, but enough to put me in bed to be a slug for the day.

Felt normal by the next morning and have no regrets.


An 80+ friend with type 1 diabetes went to the local pharmacy for her Moderna booster and was told that she was getting a “larger dose” due to her diabetes- half of the original- and the regular booster dose was 1/3. This was worrying!

@Nrdsb4 you give me hope. My worst pain is left rib cage, like costochondritis. Strange

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Maybe she misunderstood…


I had Moderna #3 on Friday. Other than a slightly sore arm, I didn’t notice any other side effects. However, I did have a sore back prior to getting the shot, and didn’t take any Advil because it was shot day. Sunday my back pain was worse and had migrated from right side to the left. I would not think it was at all related to the shot, until I read others experiences with back pain. Thinking the inflammation just worsened in that area due to avoiding nsaids and the vaccine. Still sore today but better than yesterday.

The mRNA per vaccine dose:

  • Moderna regular: 100 μg
  • Moderna booster: 50 μg
  • Pfizer regular: 30 μg
  • Pfizer for age 5-11: 10 μg