Anyone gotten a booster shot?

It’s been 24 hours since my Moderna booster and the only effect so far is a sore arm, but not as bad as with the two Pfizer shots.


I’m 30 hours from my Pfizer booster after my original 2 Pfizer shots. I felt great for the first 6-8 hrs (went for a long walk and did laundry) and then my arm started to hurt. It’s more sore than the previous shots and I don’t feel 100% (99.2 fever). However it’s not so bad that I need/want to take a pain reliever for it. Just resting and drinking a lot of water. No complaints.

I’m glad and grateful my husband and I are “booster-ed”.

Edit: my husband also got 3 Pfizer shots. He only experienced a sore arm for a day, each time.


California has now opened up booster shots for everyone. H and I plan to get ours in the next couple of weeks. I considered getting Moderna this time since we had Pfizer last time, but two people I know that got Moderna boosters each got Covid arm again and I’m afraid that would happen to me. So I will stick with a Pfizer booster.

Colorado also opened up booster shots for all adults as long as they are 6 months out for the MRNA products and 2 months out for JNJ. Hopefully more states follow CA and CO.

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I’m 24+ hours out from my Moderna booster and quite pleased with how my body’s been reacting. The sore arm started yesterday, but I made sure to use it a bit and by nightfall it wasn’t even too painful to sleep on. Today it’s fine. I’m more tired than usual, but that’s no big deal. My brain is a little slower than usual (confirmed by some online games I play besides my own thoughts), but that’s no big deal either since I’d hardly making life/death decisions.

I had a little bit of a headache this morning, but that’s tough to tell if it’s due to the vaccine or not. Adding some salt and caffeine to my diet got rid of it. Salt is a NEED for my body or headaches happen - ditto if I wean off caffeine, but that really didn’t happen.

I’m glad there are some noticeable effects so I know I didn’t get the rogue pharmacist who feels he is “saving” his clients by not injecting the real thing (or any other odd thing one can think of), but I’m also glad none of the effects are misery causing.

H got his booster today. We’ll see how he feels tomorrow.

Otherwise, I’m glad to feel confident in our return to normal, though we’re always willing to wear a mask if others are doing it or a sign requests it.


I ended up only improving after my last post, so 48 hours out I can’t even tell I had a vaccine - even my arm is back to normal.

H had a small headache yesterday afternoon and still has a sore arm. He didn’t use his arm post vax like I did (unless typing counts). I was outside actually using mine.

For both of us getting the Moderna booster (half dose), had we not known what was going on, only the sore arm might have led us to believe we’d had a shot. Or… maybe we’d have thought the cat got us with his claws or we used a muscle we hadn’t used in a while.

I feel for those of you who have endured real side effects, but to those of you still contemplating a booster - may you only get as much as we did!

I still wonder if the amount of side effects correlates at all to how bad of a Covid case one would have had without the vaccine.

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My Moderna booster was Wednesday afternoon. I had a sore arm for a day and a half. I felt a little tired Friday morning so I had only one hour of personal training instead of the two I had scheduled. So that was my only “sacrifice.” Piece of cake.


I got the Moderna booster yesterday morning. I had a slightly sore arm by that evening but less so than after my second dose of the Moderna back in February. I took an Advil and it no longer bothered me. (In February I woke up whenever I rolled over on my booster-shot arm; I slept through the night last night.) I’m tired today, took a nap. Still I went to the grocery store this morning etc. No side effect serious enough to throw off anything I needed to do.

Like others, I worried about potential side effects but as @MaineLonghorn noted: “Piece of cake.”

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I had a Moderna booster earlier in the month and my arm was pretty sore for 3-4 days. But nothing like the reaction my husband had after his second shot. My shot follows a Janssen shot about six months ago that had no side effects. I like the combo and I think I’m done with Covid shots. I think I’ll get any future antibodies from repeated exposure going forward.

I wonder if people’s bad reaction are tied to how much their immune system has been primed from previous, unknown, virus exposure?

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Pfizer booster, after Pfizer full vaccination in the spring. Sore arm at the site for a day, but nothing else!


Is this something you’re wondering yourself or something you’ve seen suggested by medical folks? I’d find it difficult to believe from the people I know and reactions I’ve seen (first/second doses and boosters).

Even the correlation seen between long haulers who get better after being vaxxed suggests otherwise.

No, just wondering, and purely anecdotal on my part, based on the people I know with the worst reactions having had more exposure. My husband, with long haul symptom of postural tachycardia, finally started feeling better after his first shot, but still had a horrid, albeit temporary, reaction to his second shot. A cousin who has played the organ every Sunday since the pandemic started, unmasked in a room full of singing, also had a horrible reaction.

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So I had side effects from third Pfizer for 5 days. For three days I had fever 100-101, headache, body aches, chest pressure, muscle spasms left arm, costochondritis (inflammation of left side rib cage) and for the last two days very dizzy as well. Quite a surprise since previous two shots had mild effects. I took 4-6mg prednisone for 4 days between my other two shots and always worried that that affected my response. This time I didn’t even take Tylenol. My intuitive feeling is that at least my body responded strongly so I feel safer, whether justified or not. (One more week until fully effective.)

I think that reactions may reflect preexisting issues with areas of inflammation or immune function, but who knows. I normally have a lot of issues on my left side and some of the side effects were on that side only.

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Got my Moderna booster to go with my two Pfizers. My arm is very sore. I felt flu-y when I went to bed last night but now just have a sore arm. I’ll lie low today and be fine tomorrow.

Good crowd at the local grocery pharmacy. Mostly older folks, including some who looked they really needed to get this booster (unsteady on feet) but some kids getting their first vax. I was both heartened and annoyed by the older folks who brought unregistered friends and spouses and asked if they could please get a shot. There was plenty of vax, I just had to wait longer.


I wonder if research is being done on the widely varying side effects from the vaccines? Some people, like myself and my wife, only had the usual very sore arm for 24 hours after all three shots. Others have low grade fever, chills and fatigue for a day. Yet others have stronger side effects.

We are of a certain age and have minor underlying health conditions, yet we know a young woman with no underlying conditions who felt miserable for a week after her second Moderna shot.

The studies should control for age, underlying conditions, gender etc.


If they’re doing studies on side effects it would surprise me. No one has asked us how we fared - not even medical lad at a research hospital who has had 3 doses of Pfizer.

Any research would probably be associated with their trials I think.

Isn’t that what V-safe is for?


V Safe sent me a text to update. When I tried to update re: my booster, I was told they needed to send me a code to enter. I tried three different times with three different codes…got a message that the code had expired or was invalid. If others are having this experience…and I bet they are…it’s going to be hard for VSafe to get data.

Interesting. I was able to update my V-safe account to include my booster shot.

I am doing v-safe for both me and my mom for 3rd Pfizer. We have both had no reaction for all 3 shots. H as felt junk after all 3.