Anyone gotten a booster shot?

I got my Moderna booster yesterday at noon. By early evening injection site became a little tender. I woke up around 1 am having a dream that I was shivering, but turns out I was shivering/running a mild fever from the booster. Lasted maybe 2 hours. Arm is noticeably more sore but not too bothersome. I hope that’s the end of my reaction to it.

DS and I received our Pfizer series at the same time. I felt mildly off with the second jab. He, on the other hand, spiked a fever of 102 during the night. He was shivering so badly he couldn’t get up to close the window. Soaked thru the sheets. Also stated he had the worst ever head ache of his life. He is talking about getting a booster…I’m concerned.

But it just lasts a couple of days----effects of COVID can be much more longer-lasting.


I felt horrible after my shingles shot. But I would do it annually if it meant I wouldn’t get shingles. Same with COVID, since it’s a crap shoot whether I would get very sick or not from it.


Our D21 got J&J back in April. Just got boosted with Moderna on Friday and said she was sicker than she has ever been in her life overnight on Friday. Has no idea how high her temp was since she said there was no way she could get out of bed. She said she was in so much pain. Soaked through the sheets too. In the morning she was a tiny bit better - enough to crawl to her desk and get some Tylenol. Saturday was spent in bed but she was ok to get out for dinner. Didn’t feel 100 percent until mid day Sunday. She had no side effects with her original J&J.

I guess she really needed that booster.

I also got a Moderna booster on Friday and I was really sick after my second Pfizer. I was pretty worried about this booster. I was ok. Twelve hours or so after the shot, I had a low fever and some chills and I was a bit fatigued. I did hang on the couch and alternate Tylenol and Advil but I didn’t feel that bad. I did walk the dog twice. By noon yesterday I was completely fine except my arm is still a bit swollen.

To @creekland’s point @southerncalimom , I know a guy who had a stroke out of the blue at age 18 and then another some years later. It’s concerning always when it happens but the timing in connection with anything else in their life can be co-incidental. He was a surfer and no one suggested surfing cause his strokes. They’ve still never ID’d a cause. Fortunately I don’t believe he’s had additional strokes and he’s now in his 50s.


Coincidences do happen. See Offit on vaccines and autism | Virology Blog for an example story of a kid having a seizure just before the kid was about to get a vaccine (as the pediatrician was drawing the vaccine into the needle). Had the vaccine been given a few minutes earlier, would the parent blame the vaccine for the seizure?

However, when adverse events occur more often than the expected background rate, that can cause concern and/or warnings. Sometimes, these are only detected in very large data sets due to the rarity of those events, both in general and after vaccine administration (examples are the blood clots associated with viral vector vaccines, or the myocarditis associated with mRNA vaccines).

My mother just had her booster and today she is in the ER with stroke like symptoms. Just another coincidence. Just like when my brother ended up in the hospital with his stroke like symptoms. Or when I had my reaction of stroke like symptoms.
Granted at this point, no diagnosis of an actual stroke, at least for me and my brother. We don’t know about my mom yet.
You can be pro vaccine and still admit that the possibility of severe reaction is possible. May be rare but apparently common in my family. It’s the refusal of people here to even admit it’s a possibility that’s annoying. I’m willing to admit it may be rare but it does exist.


H and I had Moderna booster (after Moderna for 1st and 2nd shots in April) on Saturday. We both had sore arms for about 24 hours. I had a slight headache which I also had after 1st shot (had fever, tired and chills after 2nd). But now Monday we both feel fine and are glad we got it. H has some underlying conditions and we both work around college students so decided to get booster now.


I hope that your mom is ok.

Clearly, there have been thrombotic events post covid vaccine, and some directly tied to the vaccine (JNJ and AZ AFAIK).

I’m sorry, and I hope your mother makes a speedy and full recovery.


There is no room for nuance here.

Hoping all ends up ok for your mother. <3

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Do you have a resource showing what is considered a good response?


Thank you to those who have wished my mother well. They do believe she has had a stroke and they are admitting her.
Unfortunately due to Covid visitors are restricted.

No. But the lab now seems to consider >2500 reliable for effectiveness. I will try to find a source.

I have not read anything on these boards denying that severe reactions can occur.


Well, thank you for your concern.
I apologize for my previous statement that was obviously written as I’m finding out my mother possibly had a stroke after her booster.
So let me rephrase for those of you upset by my statement earlier. Many here and elsewhere will immediately downplay and emphasize how rare serious side effects are. As above, immediately posting how it can be coincidental, rarely acknowledging that it is even a possibility that it could be related to the shot.
Yet when some come on here and are sure they had Covid without testing, a response comes about “if it looks like a duck”.
Not every illness is Covid and not every medical thing that happens after Covid is caused by Covid.
I have acknowledged that serious side effects are rare. But just because it’s rare doesn’t negate the devastation it can cause to the person or their families who it affects. That would be me today. No matter how rare it is, it’s devastating to my family and my mother right now.

Also, for what it’s worth, the first question asked at the ER was “did you have a Covid vaccine recently”. Maybe it’s not as rare as we have all been led to believe.


I hope your mom recovers well…and yes I agree, serious side affects can happen.

Re: this question…it was also the first one asked of me when I went to the doctor recently. I think it’s just one of the added questions they ask these days.