Anyone gotten a booster shot?

Thank you. I agree that the question about having a Covid vaccine is routine. It was reported by my sister who is with her, that the question was asked as “recently “ due to symptoms. I wasn’t there so I guess it could be just routine, but I don’t think so.

Well….definitely with symptoms, the ED would query anything that might give them a reason why.

Hoping your mom is soon on the mend…very difficult when visitors cant be there. Fortunately in our state, that has been lifted…one visitor per day…but it’s something.


I’m sorry I was insensitive. I’m very sorry to hear about your mother and I hope she makes a quick and complete recovery.

Thank you for the apology. I appreciate it!

I haven’t seen anyone refuse to admit it’s possible. Your family reaction is another reason I think genetics are involved - and it’s why there are medical exemptions that can be had, even for getting the vax itself not just the booster.

ETA My computer had been offline when I typed the first part and I didn’t see all the other posts after this one when I made my response.

I’ve caught up now and want to add my well wishes for your mother - regardless of the cause of the stroke, booster or not.

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I also add me well wishes for your mom and all experiencing any adverse health events, of all causes. Strokes and other adverse events are scary and even more so when visitors are prohibited or restricted.

@bhs1978 - hope your mom recovers quickly. Really devastating when you can’t be with your close ones at this time. My mom had her vaccine (first shot), got Covid and then had a stroke. She was in the ICU for a good 2 1/2 weeks and we couldn’t be with her, couldn’t go see her. It was the most awful time for all of us.

H got a booster shot last night. He wanted to get one this week with thanksgiving and some travel coming up soon. Only spots available at the local CVS were just after midnight! So he went in at 12.30 to get one. Sore arm, but otherwise doing ok so far.

@bhs1978 How’s your mom? Sending hugs :hugs:

Thank you all. It has been confirmed that my mother has had a stroke. Mild thank goodness. She is having some receptive issues. Still waiting to talk to neurologist to see if they think that will improve.

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just got moderna booster this weekend after pfizer 1 & 2, both shingles, and flu shot this year. needed pain meds for the last couple of nights but no other side effects.

I had no trouble getting a booster. I too went to a CVS but one that’s located in Target. I had to book an appt. online but went that morning at 10:30. I got a $5 gift card along with the shot. I got treats for my cats (somewhat unfair since I got the shot, right?)


You are helping the cats by being less likely to give them the virus (cats can be infected by SARS-CoV-2).

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My mother and husband both had strokes. Recovery can be substantial in the first months, Wishing her, and you, well.

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Those traveling abroad should continue to monitor booster requirements, as several European countries now require boosters to be considered fully vaxxed.


On a travel related site there was discussion that certain vaccines don’t count in certain countries. IIRC…the AstraZeneca given in Canada was not recognized as a valid vaccine in the US. Those receiving the AZ were having trouble meeting the requirements to board cruise ships at US terminals.

Interesting. I thought most organizations, including colleges, consider anyone who received any of the WHO approved vaccines to be considered as vaccinated. It’s troubling to think some aren’t following that. It’s not like AZ applied for approval in the US and was declined (they haven’t asked FDA for EUA or full approval).

Here’s a new one- I am not sure if I got a booster or a full third dose. I registered online for a booster and filled out my paperwork at the pharmacy saying that I qualified for a booster, and got paperwork from them describing the booster. I notice as I was leaving that she wrote “third dose” on my cdc card but just shrugged it off. Then yesterday I was just looking at mychart from my doctor’s office and it very clearly says that I got a third dose including the full dosage amount. I have no idea what I actually got. I guess it doesn’t really matter but geez.

You got Moderna? That is the only one where the extra dose may differ in amount.

I’m the same. I’m pretty sure from my reaction that I got a full third dose, especially since I got it the day the half dose was approved. And the pharmacist giving it to me asked if this was my first shot. Uh no. It’s my third. “OK great!” (jab) No complaints really. I was glad to get anything!

I scheduled appointments for H and myself for the Saturday after Thanksgiving at our local pharmacy which we can walk to. We are getting the Pfizer booster. If we don’t feel good after at least we don’t have to be back online (work from home) until Monday.

D2 has a trip to NYC planned for the second week of December so she is going to get her booster this weekend before she travels across the country. She is also getting her flu shot so hopefully she will be fully covered for this trip. She just finished a two week course of antibiotics for a terrible sinus infection she got after getting a cold that’s why she hadn’t gotten the flu vaccine yet.