Anyone gotten a booster shot?

Yes it was moderna.

Yay, my son with schizophrenia agreed to get a booster, so I got him an appointment the day after Thanksgiving since he will be at our house then. It’s at the same CVS that I went to.


Yes, that’s one of the issues that was mentioned at the CDC advisory council meeting. There is no way to track on a national level (something about the NDC code?) what the dosages are. At the CDC meeting the representative from an immunization group mentioned his group’s concern over maintaining the sterility of the Moderna vials when there can be twice as many draws per vial if booster (1/2 doses) are being given.

The patient and her providers should be given info about doses administered to patient as 3rd shot, so they will have the data for records and be able to base future choices off said data.

At the Target CVS I requested that the pharmacist show me the Moderna package and ensured it was the 1/2 dose. He did so even showing me the amount in the syringe before giving me the shot. He also wrote it down on my vaccination card.

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Just got mine an hour ago.

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My local pharmacist specifically told me it was the half dose (Moderna) booster when I asked. I had requested Moderna. Any of the three options were available.

Are others getting a different vaccine for their booster? D2 got Pfizer for her first 2, but her school only offered Moderna. The specifically told her she was getting a half dose.

Now we have the fun of her first 2 being done at Walgreens- which I can’t seem to get a QR code for and her booster at her university in another state that also doesn’t have a QR code. Just wondering if it will cause problems IF we go to Europe in the spring.

We purposely chose a Moderna booster after having had our first two vaxxes with Pfizer.

Some of our choice was due to studies seeming to show Moderna lasting longer (perhaps because it has more active “stuff” in it) and some of it was just due to a “best guess - go with your gut” reaction.

Medical lad had 3 Pfizer because he got his first two early and Pfizer was the only one allowed for a booster at the time.

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I did.

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I just got my booster after my covid scare. I feel relieved. I got Pfizer, the same as my original vaccine.


Got my Moderna booster this morning. Two things of note:

  1. Darn me trying to be organized who had laminated my first card with the first two shots on it! Now I have two cards, one with the original series, one with the booster. I may copy over the info to the second card - just need to move ALL the info over - lot # and everything.
  2. I had registered through our health department but got the booster at my employer/health system. I had filled an online pre-booster questionnaire yesterday but they made me do a hard copy today. This DID ask you to select a qualifying factor for getting the booster. I was sort of surprised. There were LOTS of choices, very specific. Since I work in a health care setting it was not a problem but I was surprised to have to choose.
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Pfizer booster yesterday. I didn’t have any issues with the first 2 shots but I’m tired and achy this morning. Not feeling too bad, but definitely just resting today.


New York has an app called the Excelsior Pass to show you are vaccinated. They created a new pass called Excelsior Pass Plus so that you can show all your shots. (Why couldn’t they have just been able to add a booster to the original pass?) In any event neither I nor my husband could get the new pass to work on our phones.

Had my booster on Monday; no issues aside from a sore arm. That’s the same as shot #1; with #2 my arm was fine but I had a day of low-grade fever and fatigue. All shots were Pfizer.


How much time they recommend between flu vaccine and booster?

The recommendation is that it’s fine to get them at the same time.


That’s what my son is going to do.

I had more side effects from the flu shot than from the booster. It surprised me because I don’t usually have any.

I had both on the same time, if anything the flu shot arm was more sore. Other than that, nothing

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Just got back from Italy last week. I just showed a picture of my vaccine card whenever proof was required. No QR code.

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