Anyone gotten a booster shot?

The amount and type of care a person needs can also affect what they need to hire, for how many hours and how much it will cost. If the person needs medications given, costs climb quickly.

CDC COVID Data Tracker near the bottom has some information on boosters. As of this posting:

Primary vaccine Number with primary vaccine Number boosted % boosted % of boosted with same brand as booster
Pfizer 108.68M 19.22M 17.7% 96.1%
Moderna 71.59M 13.85M 19.3% 94.4%
J&J / Janssen 15.77M 1.69M 10.7% 25.8%
Other 127.02k 62.67k 49.3% 1.5%

“Other” probably means clinical trial vaccines and vaccines received while in foreign countries.

It is interesting that those who initially got J&J / Janssen are the least likely to get boosters, although that could be due to J&J / Janssen becoming available after some of the higher risk people (health care workers and elderly) had already gotten other vaccines, so it may have fewer of the “highly vaccine enthusiastic” people among those who got it. But also those who did get boosted mostly chose some other vaccine for a booster, unlike those who initially got Pfizer or Moderna who overwhemingly chose the same brand for a booster.

H and I got our Pfizer boosters yesterday. I slept in late this morning, but have otherwise felt ok.

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Or those who were forced to get vaccinated as job requirement, like my BIL, were selecting traditional type of vaccine.

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I’m very surprised that the # of folks who got boosters is so low. My BIL is one of the few folks I know who isn’t boostered. Most of the folks I know who got their shots also got their boosters to max protection.

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We tried. No booster appointments available anywhere close to us for the next couple of weeks. Maybe that is one reason

I have only one friend that’s received a booster so far. Most are right around the 6-7 month mark and don’t feel any urgency. I haven’t received mine either (just passed my 6 month mark). Planning on mid December appointment in prep for a trip at the beginning of January.

I called around and was able to walk into nearby pharmacy to get my booster plus mom’s and mine and my H. This was back in early September, when we were 6 months past our 2nd Pfizer. S got his booster. D plans to get hers soon. Most folks I know who wanted a booster could get one without too much trouble.

From what I have heard, appointments have been hard to come by here since they opened it up to everyone. I wouldn’t be surprised if people are waiting several weeks. Then there are those like my adult children that are just getting to six months out. Remember that the rollout in some states was staggered back in the spring. Many people are just becoming eligible for boosters.

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I have said all along that even though supply may be plentiful, appointments may not be.

Here is info excerpted from the Boston Globe today on mRNA adjustments for variants:

The mRNA vaccines in particular — Moderna’s and Pfizer-BioNTech’s — were built with technology that should permit rapid modification. Pfizer’s scientists “can adapt the current vaccine within six weeks and ship initial batches within 100 days in the event of an escape variant” that eludes the immune system, said Jerica Pitts, a spokeswoman for Pfizer.

Moderna could update its current vaccine in about two months and have clinical results in about three months if necessary, he said.

Both companies also plan to test whether booster shots will bolster the immune system enough to fend off the new variant. Boosters of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines have been shown to raise antibody levels significantly.

We were planning to get out boosters at some point. We got second Pfizer in February. Decided to get it now . Had no trouble scheduling appointment for today for both of us. DD got her booster last week. Plenty of appointments available. Decided not to be adventurous and get the same vaccine- Pfizer.

I got my booster November 18 at 8am. By 9:30am I got a call that I had to rush my mom to the hospital, a sudden illness. I was her designated person (only one person allowed with patient during any duration of hospital stay) - we were in the ER for hours. It was just like what we see on the news - every cubbie full and the hallways filled with people on beds and stretchers. :frowning: I was SO concerned that the effects of the booster would hit me and I knew I’d have to handle it somehow as I had to be with her. My mom ended up passing late that night. I never experienced any symptoms from the booster besides a very slight sore arm. That was a little miracle in itself. I do sometimes believe in mind over matter and have to wonder if my focus being somewhere else somehow helped me cope better with any booster side effects.


Sorry for your loss, abasket :cry:


My J&J kids each got booster within the last few weeks, one with Pfizer and one with Moderna. One had run a high fever and was really out of commission for several days after the J&J so was not looking forward to the booster – huge relief that neither of them had any noticeable side effects apart from soreness at the site of the injection.

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I’m so sorry for your loss, but what a gift that you had a very minor reaction to the shot.

I just heard that my kid in Japan (and his wife) and who were given J&J when they arrived in late March, got boosted a couple of weeks ago with Moderna. Especially happy as they have been taking a well deserved leave being tourists in Japan.

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No appointments for COVID or flu vaccines within 35 miles of where I live right now, for two weeks.

My daughter was able to get a booster as a walk-in at the grocery store yesterday even though online sites showed no availability for the next week or so. Just lucky I guess.

No booster appointments here either. Kid landed in the ER with a cut to her foot. The foot is going to be fine, and it turns out she was current on her tetanus. One silver lining - she was offered a Covid booster and a flu shot. She gladly said yes.

ETA: I do not endorse this route to getting a booster. :laughing:


I got my Moderna booster last Monday at 11 a.m. Horrible chills from 9 p.m.-midnight; fever of 101* the next morning. Perfectly fine by lunchtime. I also had the flu shot at the same time (in the same arm).

My son was able to schedule his booster at CVS for this Friday, at the one closest to his apartment, and he had a choice of any time all day long (Connecticut).

D2 and her boyfriend had J&J initially. When they wanted to get boosted, her boyfriend’ mom, a physician, told them to get 2 shots.