Anyone gotten a booster shot?

My oldest just got boosted on Thursday morning. Felt okay on Thurs. Had a headache Friday morning and felt a little achy, but not bad. Took a couple of ibuprofen and felt better by afternoon. That’s all of us boosted now! Yay!!

Considering options for Christmas gatherings and getting tested. Has anyone ordered rapid home tests from Amazon?

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Yeah. It tests for a nucleocapsid protein – oversimplistically, a protein that packages the viral RNA inside the virus ball – not spike protein. No changes there that affect the test.

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Saw an article talking about “Isolated cases of deadly black fungus” in the US for Covid patients. It appears it’s rare, but the impact for those who were infected is severe. One has to wonder if it’s just another incremental issue or something that will morph into a bigger problem. The bigger question is if we will ever return to the pre-Covid era, or will be perpetually stuck in an endless cycle pitting the evolving viruses and the new vaccines.

The latter. There is no return. That’s all virus/vax pairings, including flu. Sometimes we lose even when we’ve had long practice, as we did in 2009 with H1N1. It’s also why the entire scientific establishment freaks out about measles anti-vax, because the more people who get measles, the more opportunity there is for evolution away from some very steady vax protection to something we can’t control.

Eventually people will get tired of burying people. I hope.


other than every single person getting vaccinated over the age of 4 every six months, and masking indoors indefinately, what else do you wish to see happen in your ideal world?


I’d like to see universal availability of antigen Covid tests so everyone can test themselves before assembling indoors.


I find both of those things to be seriously superior to jellied lungs and spongy brains and scarred vascular tissue that leads to stroke.

That’s life. Sometimes it doesn’t pan out perfect.

I just took one (I was super wiped out today, and while it could’ve just been an exhausting December, it could also have been 1.5 hours with my mouth wide open in the dental clinic on Monday, with a masked guy breathing into it. I’m fine, just overworked). It’s several steps requiring precision, and given how much trouble people have wearing masks correctly, I would like to see video of people self-testing. I wonder what percent of the tests are actually performed adequately.

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We had luck finding them at Sam’s Club in PA. Might be worth a try, if you have one nearby.

Anyone get a booster while identified as a close contact to a person who tested positive for covid?
Edited to add: don’t have symptoms, so a booster should be fine.
Suppose one has cold symptoms, was a recent contact of covid positive person, and had a booster scheduled? Take a rapid test first?

Younger S came home Saturday from school. Got his booster Sunday afternoon. He said he didn’t feel well going to bed and was blah during the day, but carried on as usual - including doing GPS work outside in the 40s degree weather for 5 hours. And he won’t take any pain meds either. So we are now all fully vax’d and boosted (and younger S also had covid in fall 2020)

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Son got booster yesterday (all Pfizer) and starting getting classic side effect symptoms last night and this morning - congestion, light chills, etc. All he had from the initial two shots was a sore arm. He’s a little worried because he went to a (fully vaccinated) work party last week for an hour.

I told him there were plenty of reports on “my threads” of people having different results from the booster than the initial vaccinations. So highly unlikely that he caught the virus and coincidentally started exhibiting symptoms soon after the booster. But I did encourage him to schedule a test - presumably PCR test isn’t affected by the booster.

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Yep, our S was hammered by his Pfizer boost. The first two only resulted in a little sore arm. The third was rough - aches, fever, and nausea for a good day.

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I was hammered from my Pfizer booster after having no issues (other than a rash) with the first two. The interesting thing is that I didn’t get a rash with the booster.

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My daughter got her Moderna booster at Walgreen’s in Boston today and had to wait 90 minutes inside the store. She has been a hermit for two years so getting the vaccine was the most risk of exposure she has had! She had a cloth mask and surgical mask, no N95, fingers crossed.

This was the only appt. I could find for her and she still has a paper to finish tonight, ugh.

The Israelis have begun a second round of booster shots 4 months after the initial booster for all those over age 60 or with immune conditions.

Do you have a link for that? I believe you, but would just like to read about it. Thanks.

Headline of CNN

Mom and I had basically no reaction to all 3 Pfizers. H felt headachy and feverish and chilled for 1-2 days after his Pfizer shots. D felt headachy and tired after her Moderna shots and booster. Everyone was fine after day 2.