Anyone gotten a booster shot?

After watching the bare bones SNL, I quickly scheduled my booster. Got the Moderna two days ago (my initial vaccines were Pfizer, no side effects) and, other than a sore arm, no side effects. Omicron seems to be spreading faster than the other variants.


For vaccines whose primary effect is raising antibody levels, how often will boosters be needed, since antibody levels do decline to lower levels later? Since the vaccine against the ancestral variant is only a partial match to the current variants, that means that the typical lower levels are not as protective against the current variants as against the ancestral variant.

It means weā€™ll need a multivalent vax, so itā€™s a good thing Pfizerā€™s already on it. First of many, I expect. So long as something doesnā€™t evolve down an immunodeficiency path. Fingers crossed.

Thatā€™s the other thing, too. Itā€™s just such a big weird virus that I imagine weā€™ll be getting surprises for a long time. I wonder what the wargamingā€™s like.

Son got his booster yesterday (Pfizer). He had no reaction to the first 2. Last night he woke up with terrible chills and felt pretty crappy all day today.

Both my kids, age 23 and 20, got their boosters this week. No side effects for either beyond a sore arm.

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I got my Moderna booster last week on Monday. I had a lowgrade fever for a few days, chills the first night, a sore arm and swollen lymph nodes in my under arms. They felt better after a day or two. I wasnā€™t sleepy at all. All in all, not too bad. My arm hurt much more my 2nd shot and i had a higher fever the 2nd shot too.

Sonā€™s side effects from Pfizer booster (which he didnā€™t experience from the initial vaccines) wore off after 48 hours and heā€™s fine now except for the sore arm.

Sore arms were pretty much it here for both of us. Had our Pfizer boosters ten days ago so will be free to paint the town soon (NOT!!). We will continue to stay out of crowds and wear masks everywhere indoors.

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Yes, that show was sobering.

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I know a few have said theyā€™ve had trouble getting a booster appointment - at least in my area CVS is doing walk-ins - I had no idea! Appointments are at least 10 days out, but walk in mid-afternoon any day & youā€™ll walk out boosted 15 minutes later.

My arm is still sore after second shot over 8 months ago. Iā€™m not doing booster unless absolutely necessary. Not worried about Omicron.


Boosted awhile ago. First 2 shots produced nothing but a sore arm, but the booster produced a very sore arm, elevated resting heart rate, and body aches. Heart rate and body aches were only on the first day after the booster, with nearly complete resolution by day two. All Pfizer.

Booster kicked my butt for a day and a half. Still worth it.


ā€œKidsā€ just returned from visiting DILā€™s grandparents. They opted to get boosters on their way, like us, choosing Moderna after having had Pfizer for the first two.

Iā€™m glad they chose to get an additional dose, esp with plans to move to Puerto Rico in Jan. Itā€™s nice seeing them able to make adult decisions (as they should in their 20s). Their circle of friends is vaxxed, so Iā€™m sure that helps.

Plus, if airlines or anyone decides boosters are necessary for being fully vaxxed, now theyā€™re set.

Time will tell if they get side effects. Their first one, nothing except a sore arm. The second about a day or so of feeling under the weather.

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Iā€™ve had three full doses of Moderna due to immunosuppression from daily oral chemo for leukemia. This is the equivalent of two doses for folks without medical complications. Was told at the time of #3 that I could get a booster six months later (which would be the second week of March).

Waiting that long has me concerned, esp with Omicron. I see my oncologist next week and will see what she advises. Iā€™m also trying to schedule a knee replacement in mid-February, so would like to be protected as much as possible for the procedure, hospital stay, post-op home care and PT.

This is getting really old.

There is a Johns Hopkins study on immunocompromised folks and antibody levels. Perhaps you could join. Or you could pay for a semi-quantitative antibody test. It might be reassuring and, if not, might provide guidance.

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@compmom, Iā€™m already in a study! :blush:


Funny story about my DDā€™s booster in October. She works in healthcare and received the booster and flu shot at the same time at work. Called me that night to say the shots had upset her stomach and she was running to the bathroom the rest of the day. She was fine by the next morning but said she would never get 2 vaccinations at the same time again.

Called me several days later to ask if I wanted to hear a funny story. She had a gotten a Starbucks pumpkin spice latte earlier that day and spent the rest of the day in and out of the bathroom. I asked what the funny part about that story was and guess what she drank the day she got her shots?! Yep, a PSL.

The rest of our family has since been boosted and no side effects for any of us. But no Starbucks before hand!


I actually had running to the bathroom over and over and a super gurgley tummy (pretty sure you could hear it 1 room over) after shot 1 and shot 3. They def. were related to the vaccine. Cleared up after like 2-3 days. Very strange!

Received my 4th shot yesterday. Did Pfizer x 3 before, went with 1/2 dose Moderna this time. 24 hours, no side effects other than the typical sore arm that I always get with these shots (as well as the flu shots). In the past I wanted to stay with the same manufacturer. I thought why expose myself to different components in different vaccines but decided this time to go with a different manufacturer. Why? Because theoretically the different lipids and particles in the different vaccines means different parts of the immune system will be accessed, so may provide broader coverage.