Anyone gotten a booster shot?

@TexasTiger2 did you just schedule a 4th shot at a pharmacy? Did they add to your vaccination card as #4? I’m trying to figure out best way to a 4th.

Wouldn’t that apply more to getting J&J after an mRNA vaccine or vice-versa? Seems like the main difference between Pfizer and Moderna is the amount of mRNA per dose.

Yes, I went to CVS.
I know several people who have already gone to CVS and done it this way. There was a button that said “I need to schedule an extra does (for people with a weakened immune system)” which is true. Technically I am not officially able to receive it since it has to be 5 months from the previous, which would be 1/16 for me, but when I put in my date of last vaccine the system let me schedule. Some people have lied and said it is their first dose and received it that way as well. There are some people who have admitted to receiving more than 5 doses already! There is a national database that they can look you up to see your vaccine history, so it’s possible the pharmacist can deny you if they see this. But mine didn’t and like I said the system allowed me to schedule.
I don’t want to promote over boostering - we need time to let the immune system learn to respond correctly to an offending agent. I have been watching people posting about how few people were being admitted and/or dying who had received 3 shots already, as well as the number of people who were 4.5 months from their last (3rd) shot who were reporting getting sick, and with significant illness. The numbers have been slightly creeping up to the point I decided it was time for me to get another shot.

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The pharmacist noted the database said it was too soon for my husband’s second booster, but gave it anyway. Said the databases are so inaccurate as to be close to irrelevant.


Yes, but there are slightly different components in Moderna and Pfizer. Some different lipids and particles. At first I was hesitant because I wasn’t sure that it would be a good idea to mix and match but now it may be a good thing. And no reported adverse events from doing so. Kind of like why the vaccine is better than natural immunity - it conveys a broader protection. Theoretically this would as well.

Thanks. My history qualified me for #3 in late August. Not sure about #4, but looks like it’s still early anyway.


I don’t go out anywhere so my risk of exposure is extremely low (walking in hallway to/from my office and walking dog outside is it for me). But DS returning to school today (masked) spurred me to do now along with the increasing reports I mentioned above.

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Moderna boosters are getting harder to come by, at least in my neck of the woods. I had to make an appointment, a week out. Mine comes Friday. I had little reaction to the initial vaccine, mostly just felt sluggish for a day, so I’m knocking wood that booster 1 will be a similar experience.

Are the moderna boosters now a “half dose”?


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Glad DH got a full “third shot” back in August. When did they drop to half dose ?

Moderna booster has always been a half dose and wasn’t FDA approved until I believe October. Perhaps he somehow got a third regular shot? Apparently they are doing that for some immune compromised individuals.

I’d like to say Oct 22nd. That’s when I got my shot and I think the booster dose was approved that day.


We got our boosters in mid August, 7 mos after second shot.

Yes, Moderna boosters were approved towards the end of October. Pfizer boosters were approved in September. Before these dates, 3rd doses were for the immunosuppressed/compromised.

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Yes, @CTTC, for those who qualified for it per the pharmacy screening (we did) and/or were on corticosteroids and for whom the pharmacists here were more than happy to be able to use the vaccine and not have to throw it away. Many hundreds of thousands of expired doses were sadly tossed. Better in someone’s arm than in the trash. Where I live they have had to bribe…. errr… “incentivize” people with $100 gift cards to get the vaccine.

I got my full dosage of Moderna in August. I am considering a 4th dosage now. It will be 6 months in Feb.


I’d been wondering about that and about what the sequences are in each. But not wondering enough to find out yet, if it’s possible to find out. I assume they’re overlapping but not identical sets.

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I don’t know specifics but hospital leadership said there were slight differences, not just dosage levels
I’ve never checked tho

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Here are are the ingredients of the COVID-19 vaccines in the US:

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