Anyone gotten a booster shot?

I had MMMP. Each moderna it me harder, P had barely a sore arm.

I guess I was also wondering if two doses of a particular vaccine are needed for the full immunity each gives.

Fourth Dose Q&A - by Katelyn Jetelina may be worth a read.

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Got my fourth shot this afternoon. I have had 3 Moderna and would have liked to mix things up with a Pfizer, but Walgreen’s said they only had Moderna. Oh, well

methinks that Katelyn should at least list the risk for over-dosing which could weaken the immune system. Unfortunately, we don’t have any data on the optimal time for another booster. 6 months? 9 months? 12?

fwiw: Family we’ve been close to for years has three brilliant kids who went off to med school (receiving rare merit money at top 10 med schools), and all three young docs say no to their parents receiving a 4th dose now. (Wait till fall for an omicron-specific variety, and/or examine the results of novavax.)

Re: Why a 4th COVID-19 Shot Likely Won’t Provide More Protection

Strange that the link headline (probably from a <title> in the page source) says that “4th COVID-19 Shot Could Weaken Your Immune System” but the page’s headline says “Why a 4th COVID-19 Shot Likely Won’t Provide More Protection” and the page itself is mainly about how too many boosters too close together do not produce as strong an immune response as spacing out the boosters.

In other words, the page is saying that more boosters (especially too close together) do not necessarily help much, but that is different from what the link headline implies, which is that a 4th dose will make immune response worse than after 3 doses.


My 1st booster was 7 months prior to my 2nd, so its protectiveness was definitely waning by the time I got 2nd booster. I have no regrets. The MDs in our family are all getting boosted as soon as eligible.


Yes I will continue to listen to the advice of the Local Epidemiologist over young doctors.


Got my second booster yesterday and have felt fairly terrible today. Very sore arm, 100.5 fever (my regular temp is about 97.5), body aches, joint pain, headache, insomnia, etc. it even hurts when I bend my thumbs. P X 4.

I’ve had side effects all four times, but this was the worst. I consider it worth it though. I suspect that I and my daughter may have had Covid around Christmas that caused us both to have a terrible cough for almost two months.* I definitely don’t want to suffer any more than that if I happen to catch it again.

*We both tested Negative twice, but our next door neighbors, a family of five, all got sick about the same time and two of them tested positive and three tested negative even though they all had the same symptoms.

The epidemiologist knows generalities. It seems these young docs know their parents personally. I’d list to the docs.

BTW. Due to retirements, plan changes and other sifting and sorting, I’ve needed to change docs lately. My new people are young (30?) and I have found them far superior to the older ones. These new ones listen, actually look over things with new eyes and have been very, very astute and helpful.

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be careful of Confirmation Bias

How is your daughter feeling? I hope she recovered quickly!!!

Confirmation bias? She’s an expert in her field. Those young docs aren’t.


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JJ and P today. Slightly sleepy, but no other side effects. :zzz:

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She still gets these short bursts of a headache and is scheduling a CT scan

We are back to mask mandate at work after 5 recent cases (though I never stopped wearing).


Could this be a temporary inflammation of a nerve that would subside? I think it is reasonable to think of inflammation after a vaccine. I got chostochondritis after my first booster.

Aside from vaccine effects, I have similar symptoms from time to time which neurologist speculated was either neuroma or trigeminal neuralgia. It is neither. I have lupus. Sometimes the immune system does funny things when stimulated.

It was very probably zoster, likely triggered by the booster given 2-3 days earlier, but of course we’ll never know. Began valtrex within 8 hrs of onset of sx, improvement by next AM, largely resolved within a few days. Seen by neuro-ophtho, who agreed likely was zoster. Still has rare slight paresthesia lower branch, which was where sx began, but overall, a very good outcome, considering what some people go through!


Topic perhaps for another thread - For decades, I have asked questions about expert medical opinions, and I get ignored or shouted down since I am not in a medical field. However, months or years later, my questions often are shown to have some merit to them. I never understood why you cannot ask questions of medical experts and professionals, though in other fields, people endlessly ask questions - or worse, tell the professionals that they are absolutely wrong - and no one gets upset.

The vaccine booster spacing is something that I suspect will be a hindsight is 20-20 situation. However, I certainly have wondered about what sort of spacing is best. My kids (who have to listen to my questions, when others will not) didn’t like some of my COVID-19 questions, though they also have questions on the boosters.