Anyone gotten a booster shot?

We thought my husband might have had an unusual two day delay onset of symptoms after his second booster - fever, chills, upset stomach. Then it turned out to be bacterial food poisoning, likely from chicken he undercooked and ate days later. Surprise!

Oh, my gosh, who knew the booster could cause food poisoning! (I say this because on Facebook, a woman swore her sister got shingles due to being vaccinated the week before, sigh.)


My sibling is blaming her vaxxes from a year ago for her blood sugar numbers being out of whack. What she won’t explain is how the vaxxes managed to do it decades prior to her getting them, because her blood sugar numbers have been awful pretty much since early adulthood - following our family line - esp since she refused to adjust her diet knowing the family genetics.

She blames oodles of other things on her vaxxes too, many of which predate her getting vaxxed, others are things no one else can notice except her (like seizures!). Who knew there were so many hidden side effects?

Nice scapegoat for her I think. Medical lad rolls his eyes when I relay them to him.

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I have two daughters who got shingles within a couple of weeks after one of their vaccines. It appears that there is a possibility for this to happen. I wouldn’t write it off completely.


OK, you’re correct, it appears that this has been known to happen, although it is rare.

On the other hand, there is a greater chance of contracting shingles if you get COVID and are over 50:

<<< Catching COVID-19 appears to increase an older person’s risk of developing a case of shingles.

Researchers found that people 50 and older who had a COVID infection were 15% more likely to develop shingles, compared to people who were never infected. That risk climbed to 21% in people hospitalized with a severe case of COVID.

“It is important that health care professionals and people 50-plus are aware of this potential increased risk so patients can be diagnosed and treated early if they develop shingles following COVID-19,” said lead researcher Dr. Amit Bhavsar, director of clinical research and development for the pharmaceutical company GSK in Brussels. >>>

There have actually been studies regarding shingles after COVID-19 vaccination.

However, like most possible COVID-19 vaccine adverse effects, actually getting the real COVID-19 appears to increase the risk of shingles afterward more than possible risk increases from the vaccine.

However, note that many of the study authors work at GSK, which sells the Shingrix vaccine.

I got my second Moderna booster two weeks ago. I didn’t even have a sore arm.


PPPM, 2nd booster 7mo after the first. Arms much sorer this time. Initially felt fine then had about 12hours of feeling like hit by a truck, then poof, felt fine. DH got M and his experience was similar, sudden onset and sudden disappearance of side effects.

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Did you have similar side-effects after any of your other doses? And for your H, did he have M for all of his doses? And was his experience with this last dose similar to what he had after his other doses?

I didn’t feel great after the P doses but went to work ok. Side effects gradually went away. Felt different after the M. H had the side effects after the last 2 doses, came on quick and left completely in a few hours.

Hmmmm. I got shingles at age 57 in summer 2020. No Covid vaccines then but maybe I had asymptomatic Covid before then. Add me to the anecdotal “evidence.”(Have since has both Shingrex shots also.)

How did you feel different after M? I am considering it after PPP, as I have written before.

Not @daylily1, but I had PPP, then M. No problems at all.

Not @daylily1 either, but I too had PPP (with minimal side effects) then M. Felt like I was hit by a bus for like 3 days.

Reading all the posts it seems like side effects can’t really be predicted on an individual basis. Would I have taken the booster knowing what my side effects would be? Yes.

I think I may have said this before but I had MMP. Felt terrible after both Moderna, esp. the second; Pfizer was a walk in the park comparatively, almost no side effects. But agree it can’t be predicted on an individual basis. Taking my 85-year old mom for her fourth shot tomorrow; suggesting she get Pfizer after three previous Moderna (I think her third Moderna was the booster dose). She had few to no side effects after the Moderna, other than Covid arm (rash a few days later) with the first, but is worried about side-effects this time with plans for the weekend.

Husband, me, sister. All had 4 Moderna. Nothing but sore arm for any of us with last booster .

The side effects really are individual whether it’s the first series or a booster. Haven’t met anyone that said they wouldn’t do it again.

You can meet me as one who won’t do it again. Had two shot series but I won’t be getting any boosters.

I had my second booster a few weeks ago. All 4 shots were Moderna. I was interested in switching to Pfizer for most recent shot, but Walgreens only had Moderna. Most recent reaction was just mild headache that I was able to treat with 2 doses of Tylenol and sore arm for 2 days. Arm was less sore than from previous shots. I will continue to boost when advised to do so. Covid has been going through my area like wildfire, though hospitalizations remain low. Fortunately, I was excused from attending graduation ceremonies at my cc. Turned out it was a spreading event with many coming down with covid within a few days after being packed into holding area before the processional.

Philosophical reason or side effects?