Anyone have a kid majoring in Communicative Disorders?

<p>Any thoughts or tips on the program, profs, classes, etc etc would be appreciated.</p>

<p>My dd will also be pursuing this major. Any info would be much appreciated. :)</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Maybe this link will help! My D was a CD major for her 1st 3 semesters before changing to business. She completed 12 hours and could have finished the program in 3 years due to AP credits. She loved the program and was able to take her first CD class her 2nd semester. You have to be classified as a sophomore to take the Intro CD (200 level) class. She was pursuing the clinical track. I do know that she liked the program because not many of the classes build on each other, so they were easy to fit in her schedule. She took 3 CD classes her 1st semester of her 2nd year on campus. She will be home this weekend and could provide professor info, etc. if you are interested.</p>

<p>Also, her decision to change to business was due to a great summer job opportunity that looks like it could lead straight into employment after graduation. The one drawback to the CD major is the mandatory 2 year Master’s program and she wanted the option to pursue permanent employment with her summer employer. Also, graduate school is very expensive and very little scholarship money is available. It was the right decision for her, and her decision to leave had nothing to do with the CD program.</p>

<p>Thanks for this post. We’'re actually doing the reverse of your daughter. Going from the business school to CD. I’m glad to hear she actually liked the CD program though. By the looks of it there is only one section offered for each class. So I guess you get the profs you get and like it or at least deal with it.</p>

<p>My child will be jumping into it with both feet as he’ll be an upcoming Jr. His adviser assured him though that he is still on track to graduate in 4 years. Fortunately the classes he took for the business school won’t be wasted as he’ll simply minor in general business. And he did tell him about the 5 straight semesters of Grad school that would be needed as well. Being on campus for two extra football seasons is looked at as a positive in this case :-)</p>

<p>We really just feel this fits his attributes a lot better than his previous major. And his adviser said he actually will probably benefit by being a male in the field since the majority of people in the profession are female. </p>

<p>Congrats on your daughters job opportunity and hopefully she’ll love her new field of study.</p>

<p>Wow! That is a switch. He will benefit from being the lone male! My D said she saw one male in her CD classes and he was a linguistics major. He will definitely have his pick of the ladies! It is a fairly small program (compared to business) and my D really liked the girls in her classes. </p>

<p>FYI, Phonetics is a very difficult class for some people. The advisor told her that you either get it or you don’t, but it doesn’t make you or break you in your major. My D managed to pull a B and was thrilled. Just might want to schedule that one in the non-football semester. It is similar to a foreign language.</p>

<p>My D was pursuing the clinical track and planned to work in the hospital environment, collaborating with a team of professionals (OT, PT, MD, SLP). That environment takes a lot of PATIENCE as the progress is often slow, because they are victims of stroke, brain injury, etc. That being said, business was a better choice for our D in the long run! LOL! Plus, not having the mandatory graduate school will be a huge financial relief. Hopefully, her employer will pay for her MBA along the way.</p>