Looking for feedback on UA's Apparel and Textiles/Fashion Merchandising program

My youngest DD3 is considering majoring in Fashion Merchandising and UA popped on a list I found with good programs. We live in a small state with only 2 state Universities, but our flagship U also has a good Fashion Merchandising program.

She has a 1420 CR + M SAT and a 32 ACT, but not likely NMF(probably commended), so she would already qualify for a full-tuition scholarship at UA. She will likely receive little to no merit from our State U, so UA would be a slam dunk financially. She is also applying to Virginia Commonwealth University and Drexel University, and with some merit, they may be comparable to our State U in net price, although of course there are no guarantees. We also have a few more schools we are visiting this month.

She likes warm weather, so heading South would be no problem for her. The UA campus looks beautiful and there is so much positive discussion about UA here on CC, and DD2 did apply and was accepted to UA for engineering(she chose another school so we never did get to visit UA).

Does anyone out have any first hand experience with UA’s Apparel and Textiles program to share?


My DD has a friend who graduated from UA in May with a degree in Fashion Merch. She interned at Diane Von Furstenberg in New York last fall and is now working for a high end cashmere company in NYC.

Thanks, that certainly sounds like a fantastic outcome! Did she enjoy her time at UA?

Sounds like your family NEEDS to come for a visit! :slight_smile: Roll Tide, from a midwestern UA mom!

I would highly recommend visiting as well, when you’re able. And I would also suggest that, if you do visit, you inquire about other majors that your daughter might be interested in, just in case she, like so many students, changes her mind about what she wants to study. The Honors College can make all those arrangements for you if you give them enough lead time.

I live in PA and my son chose UA over Penn State (and several other schools) for what it’s worth.

Good luck!

The merchandising emphasis right?

Ok…got this info from a parent whose DD is in the program.

I can tell you that both sides offer study abroad.


The design side goes to Thailand every other year and on the opposite years

the business side goes to the fashion capitals (New York, London, Paris, Milan).

They have internships in both programs I believe.

The design side creates their own line as part of their senior year.

With the merchandising program, students are about 2 classes shy of a business minor…so many will minor in business. Several students minor in journalism too. >>>

@Missread @mom2collegekids @LucieTheLakie @amy9998 Thank you all so very much for your responses and info. DD3 likes the look of the UA curriculum and she is going to start her application soon as well as schedule a visit in the next couple of months. At this point, her back up plan is a business/marketing degree.

She definitely likes the idea of attending a school on the larger side, like most on her list, with many options if she wants to change her major along the way. She visited the Savannah College of Art and Design, and was impressed with their Fashion Merchandising program, but was very wary of the limited majors available there if she changes her mind, so SCAD is no longer on her list.

@mamag2855, I think I read on another thread that you’re DE residents. If you like UDel’s campus, I think you’ll love UA’s. Very similar architecture, although UA is quite a bit larger. It’s kind of midway between UDel and Penn State size-wise. We visited all three campuses with our son and UA’s was “just right.” :slight_smile:

@LucieTheLakie yes, we are in DE, and I definitely get the impression from looking at the UA website that it will have a similar feel to UD. Luckily, unlike her two older sisters and many other kids who want to be far away from their State Universities, DD3 likes UD, which although a slight stretch financially, should be affordable to us.There are so many over the top students(usually about 25ish NMF out of approx 240 students in each graduating class) at her HS that UD is not typically very generous with merit aid for the remaining students. Stats which would earn her bigger UD merit if she attended one of the traditional high schools may garner little or no merit.

UA’a incredibly generous merit scholarships make it a serious contender for her, especially when hearing so many positive things about it. Several students from her high school have attended UA in the past several years, though mostly for engineering, as her HS is a STEM focused Charter school.We are looking forward to visiting! Thanks for the feedback, everyone!

@mamag2855, contact the Honors College ahead of your visit and let them know what your daughter’s various interests are. They’ll try to tailor her tour accordingly. We met with representatives of both the College of Engineering and the College of Arts & Sciences when we visited (since my son wasn’t sure if he wanted to study engineering or math), along with the HC, and the regular tour which begins at Bryant-Denny Stadium. It was a full day, but it really helped my son envision himself there. We flew from PHL, and it was pretty easy compared to several other schools we visited.

You can reach the HC here: http://honors.ua.edu/admission-to-honors/schedule-a-visit/

@LucieTheLakie Thanks for the tips and sending the link, we will definitely try to optimize our time during our visit and work through the Honors College, as you suggest. We just need to pick our dates. We will fly out of Philly also, we are about 45 minutes South.