<p>Did anyone get their decision back for the Global Liberal Studies Program? So many people equidistant from Manhattan have received their decisions back for other schools and CAS, but don't know about GLS. Hummmm.</p>
<p>nooooo i am dying. i need to now already.
do you know a lot of people who applied to gls? because your the first person i have seen. where do you live?</p>
<p>I applied. I live in Chicago. Nothing.</p>
have you heard of many people applying to gls?</p>
<p>before this i thought there was a good chance i was the only ED applicant, seeing as how it’s brand new and all. i can’t decide if it will be easier or harder to get into than CAS.</p>
<p>I live in Southern Connecticut, like exactly 55 minutes out of Manhattan. Uch.</p>
<p>Yeah I was wondering if it would be harder to get into a program in CAS. Apparently this is a very selective program, but I love it so much! Haha. Oy, I mean I see people getting accepted all over the place for different schools, but nobody has GLS yet.</p>
<p>Because the thought “What if they send out acceptances first?” has been running through my mind and I’ve been freaking myself out. So I mean, maybe they just sent all the GLS decisions later—because that was a rumour I heard before.</p>
<p>At the same time, it’s a new program so no one has really “set the standards,” for us like they have in regular CAS, Stern, Tisch, etc. Plus, since the applicant pool is much smaller, they can afford to be more holistic in reading our applications. I’m so nervous! I feel like all of the applications are the same, though… wanting a “global education” and “New York is a global city” lah dee dah lah dee dah. I really hope we don’t find out later. I can’t bear to wait much longer.</p>
<p>Do you guys know many people who applied to GLS? Applying there is kind of a risk because you really don’t know what they expect since we’ll be the first year applicants… X_X</p>
<p>yep i live 40 minutes away and still haven’t heard either. i don’t think we should worry too much. it’s only a few more days. it’s so weird to see all these people applying to gls haha, i only knew about 2 others</p>
<p>The woman I met with on campus said there were about 70 spots available… eek…</p>
<p>No way really !?
I am so nervous now… Hopefully less than 70 people applied haha</p>
<p>haha me too! so what made you guys want to apply to gls?</p>
<p>What, are you serious? Only 70 spots. Okay. Now it’s time to freak out.</p>
<p>I want to cry haha. Someone on the Facebook group’s topic said they got accepted…</p>
<p>Wow. I had no idea even this many people applied ED. No offense, I’m sure you’re all great people, but I’m a little disheartened considering my GPA sucks. I have great test scores, a pretty good essay (in my opinion), and excellent extracurriculars and recommendations but a sucky GPA. Not something that would totally take me out of the running, but definitely towards the lower end of the spectrum because I take classes that are way too hard for me! What do you think GLS will value most, GPA/test scores or subjective stuff?</p>
<p>20090869: did you ask the admissions office how many they are taking for RD applicants?</p>
<p>Well, officially, NYU doesn’t cap the number of ED applicants, but because this is the program’s first year… I don’t know.</p>
<p>i am half cuban and speaking spanish french and english does that help? hopefully i am good at languages and studying abroad really got me interested to gls. I have a good gpa but sucky scores…cool </p>
<p>i am freaking out</p>
<p>Are you all studying abroad freshman year? I’m hopefully staying in NYC… I want to make friends! I speak Spanish too, but I’m only half Spanish (as in European Spanish) which doesn’t really make me Latino. I just marked white on my app… I feel like we’ve all got pretty similar credentials and goals. Ugh. I’m gonna be sick.</p>
<p>I wish the admissions office was open on Sunday.</p>
<p>Uch I’m gonna call first thing on Monday, ask if GLS were sent out later, and if they send out acceptances before rejections, because I have yet to find someone rejected.</p>