<p>Has anyone heard of youth venture and started a venture through this organization? They made a presentation at our school, but I don't know if this organization is useful or not..</p>
<p>Yes! Youth Venture is very useful. I am a teacher, and my students wrote a venture. The Youth Venture staff was very helpful in answering our questions, providing us with sheets and planning devices so that we'd be successful, and, after being named a venture, helping us document our venture. Similarly, the selection process is a positive learning experience because they are not really "selecting" or trying to weed teams out. On the contrary, the panel and staff asks the teams questions so that they full consider all contributing factors, working toward the end result of sustainability. On a more personal level, I've seen tremendous professonal growth in my students because they've learned leadership, financial planning, and public speaking skills (among other things). Basically, I can't speak highly enough of how useful Youth Venture is.</p>
<p>oh okay ! thanks!</p>