<p>My sister was invited to join the local YMCA chapter's Youth In Government program. I did a Google search on it but not a lot of facts came up (besides the program website promoting itself.) </p>
<p>I'm a junior this year, and I've never heard of this program so I just wanted to look out for my sis.</p>
<p>Anyone have some info on it?</p>
<p>Bump! Anyone heard of Y&G?</p>
<p>In my area, a bunch of people do it - I’m not clear on the specifics, but from what I hear they go on trips, and make ‘bills’ and recently met the governor.</p>
<p>It’s legit!</p>
<p>Great! My sister is super excited for it, but she doesn’t have a lot of free time
I think she’ll find your news refreshing. Thanks!</p>
<p>I just wanted to follow up a bit, because today my sister went for an “informational” meeting and the first thing they did was ask her to bring home a bunch of forms to sign and pay up.</p>
<p>She seemed really dissapointed because she was looking forward to a challenging and fun program, but the Y&G advisors were basically asking her to hand over the money. The website claims they do a lot of great things, but the advisors definitely did a poor job conveying that message. It seems more like a money-making scheme than anything else right now.</p>