Anyone here go to a high school that they absolutely hate?

<p>I don't like my high school. But it's the only one in the area where I can continue learning French since it has French courses. Also, it's not BAD, but I envy those who go to private high schools or top notch public schools.</p>

<p>So, any one have any comments to share about their high school?</p>

<p>I go to an enormously large and diverse public school.</p>

<p>And I absolutely <em>hate</em> it. The best teacher to have ever walked the earth (he went to Cambridge U. in England for a while) was FIRED because we're losing about 1,000 kids to the new school...</p>

<p>Okay, lemme explain as simply as I can.</p>

<p>My school: Over 4,000 people. Ninth graders have their own campus.
So, This New High School is being built.</p>

<p>We're losing 1,000, since school is about 1,000 over capacity.</p>

<p>HOWEVER, the principal is cutting 30 teachers, which makes the too-many-students/too-few-teachers ratio COME INTO EXISTENCE once more and more insane than Dolly Parton's body proportions.</p>

<p>And, all the ninth graders are losing their campus and coming the upperclassmen campus. That equals even MORE overpopulation on the main campus, considering we'll have 200 more kids. The principal's motto seems to be: "let's see how many students it takes to bust this school apart."</p>

<p>One of my teachers got cut, and he teaches AP <em>and</em> is possibly the most qualified teacher we have.</p>

<p>My school is retarded. Seriously, in the strictest sense of the word, my school is <em>retarded</em>.</p>

<p>Murphy's Law: "We are making progress. Things are getting worse at a slower rate."</p>

<p>Here, at my dear school, it's Orange (my county) Law: "We are making progress. Things are getting worse at an exponentially faster rate."</p>

<p>The meaning to life at my school is passing the FCAT, the Florida standardized test. My entire school is built around that stupid test.</p>

<p>My school sucks.</p>

<p>[/end rant.]</p>

<p>I HATE my high school. It would take me forever to say everything I absolutely hated, so I'll narrow it down to the top ten things:</p>

<p>1) Twenty minute lunch period</p>

<p>2) School will start at 7:15 AM next year.</p>

<p>3) Rednecks dominate the school</p>

<p>4) Every girl's hobby is dying their hair bright blonde and lying out on hot days</p>

<p>5) No one wants to leave the state (mainly b/c of the Hope scholarship), even the couselor's try to persuade people not to leave the state</p>

<p>6) You PAY for everything. To cheerlead $1000, to play football $450, to be in marching band $800 and on and on</p>

<p>7) The school clinic isn't allowed to give out medicine, no motrin, no tylenol, no cough drops, nothing</p>

<p>8) The "after school" principal. Bascially, you aren't allowed back in the school after to you leave, and if you try to come back in, you have to beg and plead. If you run out to your car after school, you can forget about coming back inside</p>

<p>9) Student teachers taking over the class b/c your own teacher is too lazy to teach. It has happened many times.</p>

<p>10) School Testing:
10th grade: Take Gateway to graduate
11th grade: Take the Junior writing test to graduate
11th grade: Take the Georgia Graduation test to graduate
9th-12th: Take End-of-Course-Tests in certain courses mandated by the state</p>

<p>Extra: Have you even been in a hall, where everyone is so closely packed together no one is able to move?</p>

<p>I saw this on a friend ('s friend etc) xanga.</p>

RBrittner [9:59 PM]: house 2 is so freakin idiotic im speechless
RBrittner [10:00 PM]: i want to hit then with old in n out burgers
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:00 PM]: HAHAHAHAHHAHAA
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:00 PM]: youre speechless
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:00 PM]: omg thats so dead on. its the only way to express the idiocy at that place of education.
RBrittner [10:00 PM]: freakin <strong><em>es me off
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:01 PM]: what did they do?
RBrittner [10:01 PM]: all that retarded secretary does is talk on the phone and ignore students
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:01 PM]: haha.
RBrittner [10:01 PM]: i wanted to shove her head in a toilet
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:01 PM]: she would certainly get a disease or 2 at DV's toilets
RBrittner [10:02 PM]: tru dat
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:03 PM]: lord only knows how long its been since those bathrooms have seen bleach. Or soap. Or the floor.....
RBrittner [10:03 PM]: seriously!
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:04 PM]: I feel dirty walking out of there. Like "I need to be sanitized by a moist towelette or something"
RBrittner [10:04 PM]: it smells so bad
RBrittner [10:04 PM]: like nastyyyyyyyy
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:04 PM]: And good luck getting one of those, because the lunch ladies freaking beat you with expired burritos if you try to take an extra spork.
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:05 PM]: so I win.
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:05 PM]: Geez our locker rocks my tank tops.
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:05 PM]: But i dont have any tank tops.
RBrittner [10:05 PM]: hahaha ok then they rock mine
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:06 PM]: sweet/
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:07 PM]: i hate that school. like unadulterated loathing. Like I am counting the minutes for the last day of school. The last day of finals is like a bitter-sweet taste of what it will be like in just one semester. We have already gone through 7 semesters there......we are sooOOoOOoOOooo close.
RBrittner [10:07 PM]: dude
RBrittner [10:08 PM]: lets list all the reasons why that school sucks.,
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:09 PM]: okay i dont know if i have a few months to waste though.....
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:09 PM]: 1. the students
RBrittner [10:09 PM]: 2. the teachers
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:09 PM]: 3. the bathrooms
RBrittner [10:09 PM]: 4. the food
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:09 PM]: 5. the seagulls
RBrittner [10:09 PM]: 6. the stupid ass drivers in the parking lot
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:10 PM]: 7. the mold on the house walls
RBrittner [10:10 PM]: 8. leadership
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:10 PM]: 9. the ghetto students
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:10 PM]: hahah I heart # 8
RBrittner [10:10 PM]: 10. the flooding
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:10 PM]: 11. the portables
RBrittner [10:11 PM]: 12. the narks
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:11 PM]: 13. the narc carts
RBrittner [10:11 PM]: 14. PE
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:11 PM]: 15. the gum on the ground
RBrittner [10:11 PM]: 16. the cheerleaders
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:12 PM]: 17. the stairs
RBrittner [10:12 PM]: 18. the rules
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:12 PM]: 19. teal tracks
RBrittner [10:12 PM]: 20. the principal
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:12 PM]: 21. the dumb asses on DVTV that suck and arent cool
RBrittner [10:13 PM]: 22. the kids that take the bus
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:13 PM]: 23. the ugly people
RBrittner [10:13 PM]: 24. the wanna be pretty people
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:13 PM]: 25. the slutty people
RBrittner [10:13 PM]: 26. the hollister wearing plastics
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:13 PM]: 27. the bart riders
RBrittner [10:14 PM]: 28. people that stop right in the middle of the hall during passing period
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:14 PM]: 29. AP classes
RBrittner [10:14 PM]: 30. the people that pretend liek they're not racist
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:14 PM]: 31. CP classes
RBrittner [10:15 PM]: 32. any classes
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:15 PM]: 33. the OTHER cafeteria
RBrittner [10:15 PM]: 34. the freakin freezing classrooms
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:15 PM]: 35. the lock-up like a prison at 4 pm
RBrittner [10:17 PM]: 26. mrs owen
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:17 PM]: 37. the late fees on overdue books. let me keep that *</em></strong> for free and dont charge my ass. you know i aint got the extra 20 cents to be spending on that book that i dint want in the first place, and so what if i wrote "SCREW THS SCHOOL" all over the cover in black sharpee. shoot.
RBrittner [10:18 PM]: shoot.
RBrittner [10:18 PM]: 38. the freshmen
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:18 PM]: 39. the sophomores
RBrittner [10:18 PM]: 40. the juniors
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:18 PM]: 41. the seniors
RBrittner [10:18 PM]: 42. required classes
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:18 PM]: 43. electives
RBrittner [10:19 PM]: 44. garbage
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:19 PM]: 45. passing period
RBrittner [10:19 PM]: 45. on campus lunch
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:19 PM]: 47. administration
RBrittner [10:20 PM]: 48. hypocrites
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:20 PM]: 49. no parking in the front parking lot. stop patroling out there and go bust some kids doing drugs right behine you.
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:20 PM]: behind

RBrittner [10:20 PM]: 50. the yearbook
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:20 PM]: 51. oxy-morons
RBrittner [10:20 PM]: 53. senior terms
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:21 PM]: 53. senior poject
RBrittner [10:21 PM]: 54. this observing notebook thats due tomorrow
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:21 PM]: 55. anything thats ever due
RBrittner [10:21 PM]: 56. finals
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:21 PM]: 57. quizes
RBrittner [10:21 PM]: 58. grades
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:21 PM]: 59. homework
RBrittner [10:22 PM]: 60lazy teachers
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:22 PM]: 61. anal teachers
RBrittner [10:22 PM]: 62. lunch ladies
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:22 PM]: 63. the words of the week
RBrittner [10:22 PM]: 64. knock knock jokes
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:23 PM]: 65. the electronic sign
RBrittner [10:23 PM]: 66. the traffic
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:23 PM]: 67. leadership's posters
RBrittner [10:23 PM]: noon time
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:23 PM]: 69. the wolverine wearhouse
RBrittner [10:23 PM]: 70. happy people
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:23 PM]: 71. people poking my eyes out with their umbellas
RBrittner [10:23 PM]: 72. rallies
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:24 PM]: 73. non shortened wednesdays
RBrittner [10:24 PM]: 73. people in poofy jackets
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:24 PM]: 75. people blasting music in the parking lot like they are cool at 7 am
RBrittner [10:24 PM]: 74. people blasting music in the parking lot like they are cool at 2:55
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:24 PM]: 77. junior prom
RBrittner [10:25 PM]: 78. winterball
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:25 PM]: 79. leadership retreat
RBrittner [10:25 PM]: 80. mrs dailey's grading system
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:25 PM]: 81. mrs daileys grade ook
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:25 PM]: book*
RBrittner [10:25 PM]: which i still have!
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:25 PM]: HAHHA
RBrittner [10:25 PM]: 82. AP tests
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:26 PM]: 83. losing of cell phones in the office
RBrittner [10:26 PM]: 83. girls who wear teal eyeshadow
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:26 PM]: 84. girls who wear make up to match their outfit
RBrittner [10:26 PM]: 85. teachers who wear purple eye shadow
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:26 PM]: 85. boys who wear make up to match their out fit
RBrittner [10:26 PM]: 87. chemistry
RBrittner [10:27 PM]: 86*
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:27 PM]: 87. natsy teachers hitting on high school girls
RBrittner [10:27 PM]: 88. junior year
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:27 PM]: 89. any year
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:27 PM]: 91. the murals
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:27 PM]: oops!
RBrittner [10:27 PM]: 90. assemblies
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:27 PM]: 91. the murals
RBrittner [10:27 PM]: 92. the fakeness of it all
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:27 PM]: 93. no soap anywhere
RBrittner [10:28 PM]: 94. homecoming
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:28 PM]: 95. the secrataries
RBrittner [10:28 PM]: 96. the losing football team
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:28 PM]: 97. the winning football team
RBrittner [10:28 PM]: 98. people with school spirit
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:28 PM]: 99. the drama
RBrittner [10:29 PM]: ok im done
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:29 PM]: sweeet!
RBrittner [10:29 PM]: heck yes
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:29 PM]: we are cool.
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:29 PM]: im posting this convo
RBrittner [10:29 PM]: me too
SnoboarDude 2000 [10:29 PM]: memories


<p>Okay, girlforever, get this:</p>

<p>We have about five lunch lines, and three lunch shifts. Can you imagine 1,000 students getting into those lines in 25 minutes and <em>then</em> finishing their lunch? Not to mention, we don't have a cafeteria. We eat in the commons, but we all don't fit, so a lot of people have to sit OUTSIDE of school to have lunch. You know, right in front, so it always looks like a student protest, with all these kids standing, holding their stale sandwiches with sullen looks on their faces.</p>

<p>Our commons are so disgusting. You HAVE to walk through them to get to class, and it's so unattractive with all the lunch tables, rotten food, and chairs littered everywhere.</p>

<p>The seemingly only plus for my school: it's <em>extremely</em> diverse.</p>

<p>Oh, yeah, my school's awful. Most people spend their time having dry sex in the stairwells, or smoking pot with the security guards. They're absolutely disrespectful of the handful taking upper level courses...for instance, in both of my AP tests this week, whenever people would pass by the library on the way to class or during breaks, they would pound incessantly on the walls and windows to bother us.</p>

<p>You can't walk below the balconies, because you might get spit on by someone that hates white/non-hawaiian people or someone who just likes to spit off of ledges because apparently it's a highly amusing activity. We have at least 5 or 6 girls get pregnant every year, enough so that my school has it's own daycare center.</p>

<p>Etc, etc.</p>

<p>My highschool is like a private high school but it's Catholic. It's okay. Sometimes I hate it because the way the GPA is system runs because you have to get 3.67 in order to get HH which is supposed to be 3.5. Anyway, there's not enough extra help. The shedule is kind of horrible because you have the same 7 classes every single day. I'm pretty glad they're changinng it next year. This high school doesn't have Latin classes either and not enough of different type of sports but I still have to go to school. --; I kind of wish I was at my old school but oh well. :[</p>

<p>Not a big fan of my high school. It's mostly white trash and the kids from the warning schools in my area. We're loosing half of our teachers to retirement- mostly in the English department, including the best sophomore English teacher. </p>

<p>Selling pot in the back of art class seems to be a popular event.
Fights occur daily, we had half of the science department involved in breaking up one fight. One science teacher (who's also a football/track coach) slammed a kid extremely hard against a locker. </p>

<p>Not a big fan of some of my teachers, either. Some can't teach, and my math teacher leaves in the middle of class to smoke nearly every day.</p>

<p>And my English teacher has a very interesting past...</p>

<p>But I'm sure it could be worse. Can't wait to get out of my high school, though.</p>

<p>My school's idea of a course is 90 minutes, every day, for half a year. The net result is that we don't learn crap, in our science classes especially. We have general science, biology, chemistry, physics, and anatomy - no AP, no bio II, no chem II, etc. Well - chem and physics are 'college courses,' and we get college credit, but we do the same labs at the same time as the non honors courses, which really makes you wonder.</p>

<p>Did I mention we have no AP courses?</p>

<p>We're alright in the extracurricular department - erm, except when it gets to science and math. We have zero (0) math organizations and zero (0) science organizations. There's not enough interest to start any, either.</p>

<p>I could go on about our lunch lines, miniscule lockers, lack of funds, but mostly I just don't like the lack of opportunity. My guidance counseler tells me highly useful information - once every blue moon. </p>

<p>Oh well. We do have an exceptional latin and french program.</p>

<p>I have a love/hate relationship with my HS. It is very rigorous, but some teachers are unrealistic (in my opinion). The school is starting to feel too small. I wouldn't leave, but I am already counting down the days to graduation (and I'm only a junior!)</p>

<p>I want that Latin Program!!!</p>

<p>Wow Effulgent! For a second there, I thought you were talking about my school. </p>

<p>Until I realized that I don't live in Florida.</p>

<p>=No electronics PERIOD. Not even during lunch
=No hats, headbands, etc. Heck, hey made an announcement the other day saying pajama bottoms were illegal...
=Too much concern for the easy SOLs (Virginia's state test)
=The closest thing to an academic club we have is Debate
=Cheap school. Some of the classrooms have TVs from the 70s or 80s. Every person had to pay between $10-$50 each year (depending on grade level) for class dues. We had to pay to go to pep rallies, etc.
=Stupid students
=The management seems to have a problem about informing people of events, etc
=Too much emphasis on sports, to the point where people are shocked to find out that I don't play anything
=Too harsh a policy on tardies; sometimes there are hallsweeps, and if you're caught in the hall, even a second after the bell rings without a pass, you have Saturday detention.
=They expect us to be able to go to the bathroom and our locker and climb a few flights of stairs and still make it to class in time in five mintues. As a result, I have no time to go to my locker, and I have to carry everything around all day.</p>

7) The school clinic isn't allowed to give out medicine, no motrin, no tylenol, no cough drops, nothing


<p>I'm not sure where you live, but here it's illegal to give students that stuff.</p>

<p>i hate that my HS gives a detention for every miniscule thing, just because they have no other means of disciplining kids. there's hardly any communication between students and the administration... the principal and his staff think they're on a pedestal. i don't, and that's why i make an effort to talk to the principal about a lot of things that i find wrong in my school (but of course in a civilized manner).</p>

<p>Our tardy policy is pretty harsh too. There are ALWAYS sweepers out, and the policy is: in-school-suspension for <em>any</em> tardy, first or not.</p>

<p>75% of my school are portables 'cos we have sooo many students. It takes me roughly 7 minutes of power-walking/jogging to get to my 6th period, which basically out on the road. Cars fly by and I can feel the floor shake.</p>

<p>I hate a lot about my high school. Everybody there is completely ignorant about the college admissions process, and nobody has ever gone to a really good college. We have 4 AP classes, and if 15 people don't take them (which is usually the case for 2 of them) they aren't offered, but of course, they still show up on your transcript as an offered class. Nobody takes more than 4 honors classes, and if you do, you're considered a loser. The only national ECs available at my school, for example, DECA, require you to take a class in order to be in the organization, so as a result, sports and stupid school clubs are the only possible ECs. There are limits on how many honors classes a department can have, and all departments are at their maximum, so there will not be any added AP classes. I live in Ohio, and our school's predicted fail rate for the new graduation test is about 70%, so many honors classes are being dropped to make way for remedial classes. It's considered suburban, so the fact that it sucks in every way probably won't help at all in college admissions. The school brags about the fact that 80% of the students go to college, when 60% go to local community college with open admissions, and about 10% go to trade schools. I could continue, but I think that's enough to paint the picture that my high school is probably the worst ever.</p>

<p>:P Maybe we should create our own high school. ^___^ It would be the best high school ever! Hehehehe x.x;;; Sorry I'm on sugar high.</p>

<p>Yeah. </p>

<p>1) We are located in Taiwan = overseas = no connection to US High School students = insane PSAT cutoff (I'd made semifinalist easily if I stayed in NV)</p>

<p>2) Expensive tuition at the same time (about $11,000 per year)</p>

<p>3) School offers only 3 APs any given year.</p>

<p>4) School is overly Christian-based.</p>

<p>5) You must have a Bible class and a study hall = only 6 periods/day left.</p>

<p>6) School overly emphasizes the importance of sports. Therefore, academic people never get their chance to show their talent. Varsity bball players seem to be deities while people who made USAMO or score high on SATs go largely unrecognized or scoffed at. Lack of Academic Bowl/Academic Decathlon also contributes to this problem.</p>

<p>7) School refuses to recognize that there is problems, stating "We are a very academically geared intuition".</p>

<p>Whoa, crap.. all my trival arguments are gone after reading that.</p>

<p>Either you guys are exaggerating, or your schools really suck.</p>

<p>I hate my high school. Most of the teachers are ditzy or just insane (or a fun combination of the two). The students are all pill-popping, dope-smoking, road-kill humping redneck failures. There is only one AP class, and that's AP English IV (which I didn't make it into because the admission essay prompt was a FREAKING JOKE, especially since my English class period on the day the essay was supposed to be written was shortened...disadvantages suck, don't they?) Half of the teachers are coaches, which I COMPLETELY DISAGREE WITH. All they do is sit on their butts and ramble about pointless sports and stuff they don't understand. The lunches are absolutely inedible which has forced me to bring a granola bar to school every day to tide me over until I get home (where I usually binge because of near-starvation). Everyone tries to pressure everyone else into doing things they want. All the teachers try to act like they know what they're doing, but most of the time, they're as lost as the students. I live in Mississippi, so everyone at my school is Christian and not going to church (like me) is considered evil. I feel so sorry for my friend who is a lesbian because she was outed BY THE PRINCIPAL and has had to deal with oppression from everyone since freshman year. I just reallllly hate my school. It's honestly not worth the effort of waking up anymore.</p>