<p>i've been to plenty of these "stereotypical" parties, and at almost any large party the cops inevitably show up. why? noise complaints, regular patrols (it can be difficult to hide 50 parked cars), word of mouth (narks). it is very rare that people actually get in trouble with the law.</p>
<p>only one time have i actually run from the police, and looking back at it, i wouldn't want to do it again. that being said, i'm actually glad i experienced it. not only was it a rush, but i feel like it's part of growing up. you have to learn the boundaries and understand the consequences of breaking the rules. sometimes you have to "live a little." as long as you're not endangering your life or someone else's, then i don't see a moral problem with it. </p>
<p>as far as my parents.. they don't have a moral issue with it, they unselfishly care about me. they don't want me to get kicked off a sports team, or get denied from college. for that reason they punish(ed) me for doing irresponsible things and i can't blame them for that.</p>
<p>that being said, the safest (and most fun) parties i've been to have been parent sponsored. they can get in a great deal of trouble for harboring underaged drinking (thus i applaud their heroic feats), but at the end of the day it creates a safer experience. </p>
<p>i feel like kids who haven't experienced this aspect of high school social life are going to get to college and have bad experiences. of course, this is a generalization, but i see people falling into two groups. the first group won't want to be part of college social groups (drinking) because it is foreign and awkward to them. the second group won't know how to handle the situation and alcohol will take over their lives.</p>
<p>my basis for this is looking at the drinking ages of countries. in canada, where the drinking age is 18/19 (and loosely enforced at that), there is little binge drinking like there is at US colleges, because they've been exposed to alcohol at a younger age. </p>
<p>alcohol and marijuana get a bad rap in this country. in reality, the quarter pounder with cheese and bowl of ice cream you eat while you sit at home on friday night is doing more harm to you. just do things in moderation, and think hard about the consequences of whatever you're about to do. if you're not ready to accept them, than don't do it. </p>
<p>and don't patronize people who do "party." in these peoples' minds, drunks are weak minded, and potheads are lazy. the people you're criticizing don't care about your opinion, so don't waste your time condescending them.</p>