<p>Last year two couples in my school got married. The first pair was seniors who didn't want to be separated after graduation. The second pair was sophomores (they were barely over sixteen years old). They had to get their parents to sign an approval or something.</p>
<p>So... are there any married students in your school?</p>
<p>Yeah. I know a few couples who are married. Sophomores though, that’s just bad. All the couples I know are over 18. I myself am engaged but will not get married until I’m at least midway through college.</p>
<p>There are a bunch of girls that truly believe that they are engaged to their high school sweetheart, and the girls that already have or have had the bun in the oven.</p>
<p>No one is married, as far as I know… ugh. That’s so not right with the sophomores.</p>
<p>A few students are, but the only ones I have personally known of were seniors. Not too bad, but I still think it’s a stupid move. That’s just me though.</p>
<p>I over heard a conversation the other day though:</p>
<p>Girl A: So how’s you and [guy’s name]
Girl B: HA! We’re getting a divorce.
Girl A: REALLY?!
Girl B: Yep! He wanted to go to counceling (she says it in a really disgusted voice), but I told him I’d only get a divorce. </p>
<p>a girl in my gym/health class has a 2 year old daughter, but i dont think shes married. im super excited, we start health/sex ed with that class on monday.</p>
<p>^ Sixteen. I personally didn’t turn sixteen until junior year, but most sophomores are sixteen by the end of June…and if you have parental consent, I guess that marriage can legally occur.</p>
<p>No one in my school is married or has a baby.</p>
<p>But, then again - My school district weeds those kids out and sends them to the special school. Not special as in ■■■■■■■■. We just have a whole school dedicated to teen-mothers, kids out of hall, sheer trouble makers, and the like. I believe 300-400 people go to that school. Not too bad considering the district has over 5,500 kids from 9-12th grade.</p>
<p>My former geometry and english teacher are married. My former algebra and a special ed. teacher are married too… oh the tech ed teacher and the attendance lady too…</p>