Anyone know anything on The Art Institute of California San Francisco ?

<p>I'm looking for art schools, or schools with graphic design and illustration majors.</p>

<p>I cannot commit particularly on San Fran, but all of the Art Institutes in general are said to be really sub par. Don’t take my word for it, though. You should really research into it via internet, and make the final decision for yourself.</p>

<p>no, the SF one isnt connected to the other AIs, their photo is good, i think. it was started by Ansel Adams, a bunch of note able people went there. idk anything about their graphic design or illustration though</p>

<p>I am from the SF bay area. The school of photography at the Art Institute here was indeed started by Ansel Adams. It was then taken over by Minor White. Minor White is a legend in photographic teaching. The bay area, being a bedrock for incredible photographers like Ansel Adams, Dorothy Lange, Immogen Cunnigham, and others all have taught there. With that all said, I cannot vouch for their current program–which doesn’t hold good. While I don’t think it is a bad program, I feel it has lost its luster as of late.</p>

<p>I visited the school and like the atmosphere. My previous dean went there and she is a wonderful artist and businesswoman.</p>

<p>Jerry Garcia I believe went there but I’m not too sure.</p>

<p>For sure The guy who makes Burt’s beewax and all that homeopathic natural stuff went there.</p>