Anyone know what it costs to visit the health center for a minor thing?

<p>as far as i can tell, you just go and use your usual insurance. the kind of insurance we have is deductible based, not co-pay, so we would likely be paying the whole thing.</p>

<p>not sure if she needs to go or not, but just in case, i would like to know.</p>

<p>^^^^ The following is from the Student Health Center:
If I visit a health care provider at SHC, how will the charges appear on my account?
All visits are confidential. SHC charges, including co-payments, are posted to your account using general, nondescript terms, such as “Student Health Center Co-Payment”, or “Student Health Center Pharmacy Charge”, etc. These terms protect your right to privacy as a patient.</p>

<p>May I pay for my visit when I come in?
We do not accept payment. Any charges that do occur are put on your student receivables account. Students Receivables will bill you at a later date.</p>

<p>There is additional info here: [Student</a> Health Center Billing](<a href=“]Student”>Billing – Student Health Center | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>On this page it indicates that they will take certain insurances, I am presuming that they will be bill you if you have no insurance or your insurance company does not cover the charges.</p>

<p>However, I could not find a list of charges. Hope this helps.</p>

<p>hey thanks! : )</p>


<p>(ahem) - I did not hear a Roll Tide ;)</p>

<p>Well then, ROLL TIDE!! :)</p>

<p>We are in the same boat with high deductible plan ($10,000 high YIKES!) anyway, I would love to get an idea before health insurance renewal time, approximately what the cost is for a simple visit, say…a sinus infection for instance. </p>


<p>When D visited last fall for a cold that wouldn’t quit I believe the charge was $70 for the doctor and around $40 for her prescriptions. We, too, have a higher deductible so this was the total charge with no coverage. . .</p>

<p>Oh, and - Roll Tide!</p>

<p>We do not have the student insurance plan, since we are already paying for our student on our regular health insurance policy. However, our insurance company will not cover our son in the state of Alabama. So if he becomes ill, he will need to pay out of pocket for minor things. Insurance policy will cover an emergency room visit if necessary. I called the Student Health Care Center to inquire about pricing. Honestly, I do not remember the exact cost of a visit but I did not think it was exorbitant (as compared to our local pricing). I believe that we could use our prescription plan and just pay the co-pay.</p>

<p>A visit that D had back in the fall was $54 (sinus infection.) She had a visit this semester which hasn’t shown up on her account yet but her two prescriptions were only $11.</p>

<p>thanks timeflew and robD for some actual charges.</p>

<p>: )</p>