Anyone need a roommate for next year?

<p>Hey I'm looking to move off campus next year, and I was wondering if anyone had space in one of the apartments for a laid back sophomore.</p>

<p>or, if you'd like to put together a group and get our own apartment, that's just fine too.</p>


<p>It's pretty early..</p>

<p>housing applications are due jan 31st, so its not as early as you think.</p>

<p>gah true. its so different when you're looking for an apartment. Like, you don't even start to think about it until July/August-ish.</p>

<p>thats true, but if you're looking for univ. apts or still trying so decide between on or off campus, then you got that deadline looming above you.</p>

<p>true that.</p>

<p>if you apply for on campus housing and they make you an offer, do you HAVE to take it? like if they give me something i really dont want and would rather live in apt, can i reject it?</p>

<p>ugh sounding like a newbie lately..</p>

<p>yes you can reject it. you basically just ignore the offer/don't send the deposit.</p>

<p>hm. good to know. im still undecided , apt seems alot better in some ways.</p>

<p>i'm debating staying in my apt or trying for a univ apt. a univ apt would be better for the location, but i have a pretty sweet apt now. thoughts?</p>

<p>If it were me, i'd stick with the apt.</p>

<p>In my case though, I;ve heard taht if you want a decent place close to campus, it's best to start looking early, so here i am....</p>

<p>alot of upperclassies i know started looking at the beginning of this month.</p>

<p>Eh. I have a better-than-decent apartment on Kelton and Gayley (a block from DeNeve) and it's significantly cheaper than the average in the area for its size. I found it randomly walking around one day in August. The only buildings that require waiting lists this early are the Selby ones (Kelton Plaza, Midvale Plaza, Atrium Court). And I'm not even really convinced that those are worth the ridiculous price. </p>

<p>So yknow. Guess it just depends. I wouldn't stress, though.</p>

<p>i also want to move closer to campus. i have to find off campus apartment with my own room for at most 800 with utilities</p>

<p>are you a guy?</p>

<p>no i is man not</p>

<p>Malishka- i pay $800 for my room. including parking but not including utilities. It's possible, you just have to find the right building. I'm able to do it bc i rent out my dining room (which is private with doors and stuff) and so we have 3 people in a 2 bedroom. You need to find a set up like that.</p>

<p>wow, thats kind of a lot, right now i pay 800 for my own studio.. walk in closet, .. pool, laundry, parking, etc... its just somewhat far. </p>

<p>if i was living with others i wouldnt want to pay that much.</p>

<p>yeah but yo, westwood is EXPENSIVE. My 2 bedroom apartment goes for 2050 and thats the cheapest i found. Most go for around $2500. So yknow. Have to pay extra for the location. You can find cheaper a little further away (even south of wilshire will be less expensive). But I don't think you'll find a studio for 800 on the westside. </p>

<p>Hell, my brother's 2 bedroom in irvine (which has some of the highest real estate rates in the country) is only $1600 and is waaaay newer and better all around than mine. LA sucks that way.</p>

<p>where are these selby apartments? i've heard of them, but haven't seen them. i think the apartments on tiverton have a better location. i live south of wilshire (barely, on malcolm by the avco) and its 2100 for a 2bed2bath. the location sucks though.</p>

<p>maybe i'll stay on campus forever...:p</p>