Anyone prescribed ADHD medication using SHIP?

<p>Or in general I suppose?</p>

<p>I have a lot of trouble with concentration in school and am going to get tested to see if I have ADHD. Where does the tang center go from there? Would they be able to prescribe medication like adderall or ritalin?</p>

<p>I take minimum amount of units every semester and I still struggle with my grades. I am not part of any clubs or organizations either...</p>

<p>lol well I’ll say in the end it’s all about concentration. I’m ADHD and I was diagnosed while I was young and took medication for years. At the end of the day I found the medication actually didn’t help that much (both ritalin in early years and adderall in later years). For me it all came down to calming down, concentrating, and just getting the job done (whether that means studying your ass off, writing a paper, researching, whatever) you need patience too. Adderall is a stimulant that may help you in the early hours but later you’ll crash and it’s not a fun crash either imo, you can also kiss your appetite good-bye.</p>

<p>Buuuut that’s me. I’d guess tang probably has information on where you can get tested. Testing for it isn’t too hard either. </p>

<p>I’m wondering more if this trouble just started when you entered UC Berkeley or if this has affected you all your life. If it’s more recent than you probably aren’t ADHD/ADD and it might be something else.</p>

<p>I’ve thought that Ive had it since high school.</p>

<p>High school was easy, however. Therefore, I am more likely to see that I am behind when faced with peers with Berkeley caliber.</p>

<p>So, yes and no to your last statement.</p>

<p>Sorry, no. Try to find a local physician or find one near your hometown. </p>

<p>[UHS</a> Tang Center](<a href=“]UHS”></p>



<p>I’ve read that. I’m thinking they refer you to someone that can prescribe and provide treatments but still relatively nearby berkeley.</p>