anyone -- proofread my essay?!

<p>anyone.. preferably not a fellow applicant.. want to read my $10 essay?
im not the best writer, and i didnt have that much time to whip this one up and would appreciate any feedback b/c i know theres alot to improve and i have to get this in by tonight..
pm me if youre interested
thanks in advance!!</p>

<p>eek... i still have to write that one</p>

<p>haha seriously? i cant believe it! i thought i was the only one who was dealing with all this this late.. good to lknow</p>

<p>where else are you applying seahorse</p>

<p>I started both essays like an hour ago.</p>

<p>well this is obviously like a safety/back up school for oyu then
where else are you applying paul</p>

<p>i was deferred from Duke, so I have a bunch of extra stuff to do for them now to hopefully make it in next round. I'm also applying to Emory, Boston U, UVM, Brandeis U, University of Colorado at Boulder, and Princeton U (but I don't really know why I'm applying here... i think i just wanted to apply to an ivy... my stats are nowhere near what they look for)</p>

<p>i can proofread.... aim me at igetblockedalot2 ... or email me at <a href=""></a>
i have an essay also that i ant somoene to proofread... so if anyone can or if u can, i would appreiciate it</p>

<p>is anyone using names in their essays? the question asks 'who would you invite?', so do you think they would prefer using the term 'friends' or using names?</p>

<p>i feel like its more personal if you add in a name, not necessarily full name but like a first name so they are actually introduced to a character.. not just 'my friend'</p>

<p>is banana a name?</p>

<p>what is that supposed to mean lol</p>

<p>i wrote about a banana...but i didn't give it a name...</p>

<p>well, in my essay i talk about inviting seven friends over... should i really name all seven of them?</p>

<p>oh in that case no, that would just be unecessary</p>

<p>how are you progressing? almost done? i still have some editing to do.. :&lt;/p>

<p>well, i have described what i would do... now i have to explain what it all means to me</p>


<p>I have applied to Stanford, MIT, Berkeley, and UT. I got in Stanford SCEA, so i've been slacking a lot on the rest of my apps. </p>

<p>Anyways, thank god I'm done with these essays. Why is JHU so anal!!! I mean come on Common App AND two extra long essays!</p>

i wrote about a banana...but i didn't give it a name...


<p>Hahahahahaha. Kron, just wondering, if you did name your banana, what would you have named it?</p>

<p>how about after you? jenz?...sounds yummy</p>

<p>are people making their essays one page double spaced or single spaced?</p>

<p>i submitted mine online.......single spaced...doubled at the end of paragraphs</p>