anyone take dual enroll. in high school?

<p>My son wants to go to VA Tech and is a soph. in high school. He is trying to map out his courses for the next 2 years. He has always taken Honors courses and will now start to take APs. There is ONE dual enrollment course offered (Western Civ.). What does this do for you GPA wise? I know honors adds .03 and AP adds .05. And what college credit does this give you? Any experience with this or advise would be helpful. Do colleges view dual enrollments favorably too?</p>

<p>As far as what that does for your gpa, that's entirely up to your school. Every school rates their courses differently. College credit? You would have to ask VT directly if that school's credits are transferable. Any "over and above" effort on the student's part is viewed favorably, but remember that VT is pretty much a numbers school. This means their top criteria at this time are GPA and SAT scores. They don't care how many credits you have or don't have.</p>

<p>I take a college course through university of maryland as a senior in high school. My high school ignores it completely when calculating my gpa. They were reluctant enough to stick it on my transcript as a course... -_-</p>

<p>Here is a link to VT's Transfer Equivalency Database <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;.&lt;/p>

<p>You can look up the course there to see if it has transferred in the past.</p>