Anyone thinking about the new Computer Game Science major?

<p>I'm thinking about staying with Computer Engineering right now, but taking ICS 60: Computer Games and Society (the intro class into the new major, that will give you a feel of the new major).</p>

<p>And the great thing is that if you don't like it and don't want to stay with it, it also counts as general ed, which makes it awesome, as you're not losing anything by taking it.</p>

<p>I was thinking about it too. It might be awkward being the only girl there, but it seems interesting and, like you said, counts as Gen Ed if you don’t want to pursue the major. I’m kind of wary about being test subjects for future classes, however… being that it’s so new and all.</p>



<p>Yeah I know what ya’ mean.
And you really shouldn’t worry about being the only girl in the class. If anything, I bet you anything that there will be other girls there. Don’t let something like your gender stop you from taking a class. :)</p>