Hi everyone, I am committing to Tulane soon and was hoping someone could answer some of my questions.
- When do I need to sort out housing and how does it work? I read briefly somewhere that you get to choose your own roommate, but how is thhat possible when you don't know anyone who is due to attend Tulane?! I am also an international student so it is more difficult for me :(
- Is on-campus housing compulsory and what is it like?
- Is it easy to change your major once you get in?
thanks everyone!
- Housing gets sorted out by you filling out the application. Here is the link that gets you most of the information you need. http://tulane.edu/studentaffairs/housing/under/housing-selection.cfm The application has to be in by May 1, but you can add a roommate preference later. The main thing now is to decide which dorm you think you want, or if being part of a Residential Learning Community is what you want. There are 4 of those and they are in specific dorms. I also pinned a thread to this forum that talks about this. There are links to videos of the different dorms on the housing web site.
There are several ways to meet potential Roommates. There should be a Facebook group where you fill out a questionnaire of your likes, dislikes, habits, etc. and two people can start a conversation if they think they might want to room together. They also used to use an independent app called Roommate Click, but I don’t know if they still do. Also, if you attend an Orientation session in June you can try and meet someone that seems compatible. But even with all this, a lot of people just go with random roommate assignment.
- Yes, you must live on campus your first two years at Tulane. See the above mentioned videos and other descriptions for "what it is like".
- It is very easy to change your major, even a few times! It is one of the best things about how Tulane is structured. You are not accepted just to a portion of the undergraduate opportunities, you are accepted to every undergraduate school Tulane has and thus every major is automatically on your menu, from engineering to business to anthropology to history. All 70, 80, 90 majors Tulane has, whatever the number is these days. This is also what makes it easier to double major.
- Tulane's safety is very good. Like most US cities, 90% of the crime in NOLA is in 10% of the city, especially the violent crime. Tulane is in the nicest, most upscale area of the city. The bulk of the crime is on the other side of the downtown area, something like 8 miles away. There is another pocket of frequent crime that is not quite as bad but is closer, like 3-4 miles away. You learn fast where to stay away from. Now like any college, even those in suburbs and small towns, one always needs to use common sense. Go out in groups at night, don't get drunk (and if you do, make sure you take a taxi back to campus or have Tulane come get you. No penalties, they just want you safe), if you are working until 2 in the morning away from your dorm have Tulane PD walk you back (although crime actually on the campus itself other than petty theft is virtually non-existent. Most of what I am talking about is for when you go off campus). Things like that. Tulane is 60% female and so obviously many of us have sent our daughters there. Mine never had a single issue, and the vast, vast majority don't either. Tulane even has some phone apps to enhance safety, like being able to see exactly where the shuttle is so you can wait inside until it is there.
The housing situation has changed for this coming fall, with new deadlines and new residential learning communities. So let us know if you have more questions and keep us informed as you proceed. We all need to learn exactly how this new system will work.
- You should get an email when it's time to do housing. It'll be sometime in the summer. You can meet people in the Tulane Facebook page, at orientation, or just got random.
- Housing is mandatory for freshman and sophomores although I know some freshman and sophomores who live off campus because they got a doctor's note or took summer school classes. However, for the most part it's mandatory to live on campus for freshman and sophomores. It's really fun and may not be the nicest but it's convenient and a great way to make friends!
- Super easy to change your major, and even switch between schools. I was in SSE now I'm in SLA, all really easy.
- On campus I feel really safe. There's Landmark security guards, blue lights, and extensive measures to make sure the only people who can enter dorms are the people who live there and their guests. Off campus I don't feel as safe but as long as you're with a group during the day and are smart you should be fine.
Hope this helps!!! You’ve made a great decision going to Tulane 
Look at the housing page. They appear to have changed the dates for the initial form to be submitted.