anyone waiting to hear? Questions about merit aid

<p>my son applied mid december, anyone know when we might hear something? Also does anyone have any experience with merit aid at this school? Please write with your experiences, good luck everyone!</p>

<p>i applied Oct. 30 and found out today…so it may be a while!</p>

<p>i got in on dec 24th. i got 15,000 a year in merit aid, completely unexpected. (i’m a “presidential scholar”)</p>


<p>Would you mind posting your stats?</p>

<p>when did you send your application in?</p>

<p>Hey guys, I just got in Saturday, and I can say proudly I am going to Saint A’s. It went from my 4 th choice to 1st the last 6 months. I really love this place and hope to major in poly sci. I am also a “presidential scholar”, and received $12,000 and got an honors invitation and am pretty sure I will accept that offer as well. Just to give you some insight, here are some stats: 3.45 ish GPA with a strong upward trend, 1210/1850 on SATs, have taken 2 AP courses and roughly 2-3 honors classes a year. I was also class treasurer, model un librarian, president of a choir, worked in numerous music choirs, worked in a couple of volunteer groups. I’m not trying to brag, but I feel so glad to be going to saint a’s. Good luck! And if you have any questions just ask me.</p>

<p>My D is currently a sophomore at St. A’s and a presidential scholar and honors program. She loves it. She had her doubts at first (could have gone to Providence or Holy Cross) but the school won her over. Go for the honors program - the extra challenge of the honors classes adds to your education, plus there are a few perks - like first choice on many classes. BTW, St. A’s is also known as St. B’s - because the standard for receiving an A in classwork is very high.</p>

<p>Laughed when I read your entry. I am a St. A’s grad from a number of years ago, and we always affectionately referred to it as St. C’s!!! Maybe they are getting a little easier on their grading scale!!</p>

<p>thanks for the replies! How long after you sent your applications did you receive your responses? Mrobbs…congrats on the merit aid, that’s wonderful!</p>

<p>I just found out that I got in today…$15,000 in merit aid. =)</p>

<p>Congrats Carly1229. Great aid too by the way. Do you know what you’re going to major in? Hopingwaiting, thanks fo the post and I think it must have been one month. My guidance counselor sent in my transcript 1 month after i sent my app in. But I think it should be about a month. Anyone else definetly going? Because I’ love to know some people before I get there. That intial phase of missing home is just something I dont want to go through, lol.</p>

<p>Oh and by the way massmatt and mrobbs1266 are the same person. I lost my password or something, lol.</p>

<p>Not sure if I’m going there yet, but if I do, I’ll be majoring in International Relations.</p>

<p>I got in today too. I got the $15,000 presidential scholarship too! Idk if ill go there though. I have to hear back from my other schools. I am really scarred of the bell curve for grading lol.
also im not a big fan of their strict policies when it comes to partying.</p>

<p>well, my son heard today, he got in and got the 15000 in merit aid and an invitation to honors! We’re really excited.</p>

<p>Congrats to your son, hopingwaiting!</p>

<p>Thanks! I think he has decided that is where he is going. Anyone else make up their minds yet?</p>

<p>I’ll going to be up at Saint Anselm next year. 100% sure and looking forward to it.</p>

<p>well, we’re sending in our 400 dollars today, he’s made up his mind. So exciting! Anyone know if anselm is good with financial aid? Anyone else decided?</p>