anyone who does not receive admission letter from UCI?

<p>I do not receive any mail from UCI.....My GPA is there anyone who does not receive admission mail from UCI???nervous..nervous....nervous...</p>

<p>I checked <a href="mailto:MYADMISSIONSAPPLICATION@UCI..........but">MYADMISSIONSAPPLICATION@UCI..........but</a> still REVIEWING</p>

<p>I have 3.75. Finished IGECT, still in review...I am not going there anyway..</p>

<p>do they release admission decision until MAY 1?</p>

<p>just calm down i found out from irvine in mid april and i found out from other ucs in late march</p>

<p>weird how a select few got theirs on the first day....that was a total shock to me...maybe because I live 5 min. from UCI? no idea</p>

I do not receive any mail from UCI.....My GPA is there anyone who does not receive admission mail from UCI???nervous..nervous....nervous...


<p>You're overqualified. You'll probably get into like Berkeley or UCLA. There's a lot of 3.8-4.0s out there that haven't gotten any word from UCI.</p>

<p>i havent received any word for irvine either, 3.7 poly sci major. just let them take their sweet time, its not like irvine is anything compared to la or berkeley</p>

<p>I have not heard from UCI either... 3.7 GPA with IGETC certificate at the end of Spring in math major... my friend, on the other hand, got in UCI already with a 3.0 GPA ... so weird! Many of us who have 3.6+ do not receive the result yet? What is going on?</p>

<p>Have not heard from UCI either. 3.68 GPA with IGETC and major pre reqs done. Psych Major.</p>

<p>See...another instance... another person who has 3.6+ GPA haven't heard from UCI .... while some of you who have 3.5- GPA already got in... Does UCI discriminate against applicants with 3.6+ or what? :D SO STRANGE!</p>

<p>Not all high GPA candidate gets into the college of their choice, they probably base their decision on other factors...and also it depends on the selected major....for instance like the computer science program at uci...there has been many applicants with 4.0 gpa applying for that school...but all are not accepted....sometimes it's more than just academic...admission officers sees the same thing over and over every year...what catches their eyes on the candidates may not be just high GPA's...sometimes it's best to stand out...utilizing other factors..</p>

<p>ethnic background may play a major role in selecting candidates....simply to make the campus more diverse...</p>

<p>Yeah, I very much agree with your points here... but remember that some of us who have high GPAs also have decent essays and decent "more than just academic" ... we are not just nerds ahhahahh</p>

ethnic background may play a major role in selecting candidates....simply to make the campus more diverse...


<p>that's affirmative action, it's illegal in california. i think it's illegal in one or two other states too.</p>

<p>No word from UCI yet...maybe this is a good thing?</p>

<p>i think they'll take as much high gpa candidates as they can, but leave enough space for the diverse/unique candidates....the rest of the high gpa candidates will probably be juggled around for awhile and be waitlisted...</p>

<p>kevin's right on the affirmative action thing. that's illegal. they dont do that anymore. its been almost a decade.</p>

<p>well it's not "legally" done but a black kid with a 3.8 has more chance getting in than a white or asian kid with the same gpa</p>


<p>no, citan, he doesnt. if he did, it would be due to socioeconomic standing, which is a justifiable claim to disparity in standing; and would make the applicant all the more impressive. it is NOT due to him being 'black'. there are also other factors to consider, but it is definitely not due to race.</p>

<p>please do not exercise any other forms of bigotry on these boards; i read your other topic on 'rejected from riverside', and am truthfully in disdain of your behavior. this is a resource for people who are trying to better themselves, definitely not a place where we should be generating elitism and misconstruing important facts.</p>
