Anyone who goes to or went to peddie!

<p>i have a couple of questions about the school. i went to the open house and i immediately fell IN LOVEEEEE<333 :)</p>

<p>1.) on the website it says students arent allowed to wear sweatpants to class, but when i went there for the interview, i definitely saw a couple people in sweats. so are you allowed to? and i know you cant wear blue denim, but what about jeggings?
2.) are the people there mostly nice? are there a lot of cliques and like "a popular crowd" or "geek" labels?
3.) i come from a school where if you dont wear makeup and dress super nice, nobody would give you the time of day. do a lot of girls wear makeup all the time?</p>

<p>thanks :)</p>

<p>I was the same way, one step on campus and I knew it was where I wanted to be!</p>

<p>1.) There are dress down days, roughly 2 per month where you can wear things in good taste like jeans… However, the dress code only applies to when you’re going to class, so if a student is on their off period they are free to wear pretty much whatever they want. I’d say any form of jean-looking item is not allowed on usual days… some black denim is acceptable though.
2.) On the whole I think so, every school has it’s not so nice people and it’s true that certain cliques do form. These aren’t by any means exclusive though, and most people are more than happy to talk. 99% of the time I think everyone is at the least polite and almost always friendly.
3.) Nah, everyone is on a sport team and a great amount of people go right from class to practice. A few people wear makeup and most people like to dress nicely (since dress code requires it), but no one will judge you if you throw your hair in a bun and run out the door.</p>