Anyway to link Computer Science with Biology?

<p>I just got into UCSB for a Pre-Computer Science major for the College of Engineering, however, I did not want this major despite it being my first choice (My friend had told me some strange info about the alternative major...I did not think I would get into Engineering considering I suck at Math and never even taken physics.).
Anyway, I wanted Biological Science as my major but it was my alternative major, so I did not get it.</p>

<p>Is there anyway I can incorporate Computer Science along with Biology?
I really intended to go to Medical School...
Or how about bioinformatics? Or is there anyway I can lead this into Bioengineering which is what I really want to do...</p>

<p>I'm sorry, I know if anything I can just double major or change my major, but I really want to know my options before wasting my time with a double major with no goal in mind. </p>

<p>I also do like computer science and my friend who is also a freshman with this major told me to try it out for a quarter to see how I like it, but what if i do? What can computer science majors do...(as you can see I really did not intend to get into UCSB for a Computer Science major in the Engineering school, haha...)</p>

<p>I’m sure you can switch don’t panic!</p>

<p>Under the B.A., you can specialize in “Computational Biology.”</p>

<p>Go here: [Degree</a> Requirements](<a href=“]Degree”></p>


<p>I have been wanting to know the same thing! does anyone know if you can do computational biology/bioinformatics for your bachelors, then bioengineering for grad school?</p>

<p>You can switch, dear, don’t worry.</p>