<p>hey guys so im a senior and taking ap bio and ap chem together. they are killing me. im also taking ap lang. besides, that no other ap classes. I feel like ive stretched myself too thin by taking two ap science classes in one year. I would just like to drop one ap science class from my list. which should it be? im thinking of dropping ap chem and going for an online class. this is just too difficult and im afraid that ill get B's. and then my gpa will be ruined. it'll probably be a 3.7 or a 3.8 after this. my dream school is a 6 year pharmacy program. thanks so the advice what should i do. and those of you that have doubled up before, what did you do?</p>
<p>I’m doubling up right now, too. I’m taking Chem with Physics B along with Calc BC. I’ll be honest, it’s hard. Not physics, but Calc BC and Chem. my advice for you is to tough it out and be on your A game. I’ve found when you start slacking just a little but, you start to fall behind. We can do this!</p>
<p>Do you honesty want to take both sciences or are you doing because you want to go into the pharmacy program?</p>
<p>im taking them because of sat ii’s… im just overwhelmed every single day. well hopefully i can do this lol are you in ap language?</p>
<p>i have a lot of the tests right next to each other too… :(</p>
<p>someone help me and give me advice!!!</p>
<p>Drop Bio because there’s alot of Chem required for Pharmacy. You really don’t need Bio so I don’t know why you took that class in the first place</p>
<p>I took AP Lang last year. I’m a senior. Could’ve taken Lit but I don’t enjoy timed reading and writing. Got my fill in Lang last year ;D </p>
<p>Maybe you should keep AP Chem and then study Bio just for the SAT IIs?</p>
<p>I’ll get a W on my transcript if I drop a class. Ap Chemistry at my school is way harder than ap bio. I feel like I have more of a grasp on ap bio…</p>
<p>At my school, it’s the same. </p>
<p>Chemistry has more of an influence in pharmaceuticals than biology. I say tough out Chenistry since you’ll have more support and resources available to you. If you have more of a grasp on biology then it will be easier for you to study on your own.</p>
<p>well lets tough it out together hows your workload for your classes this week niquii?</p>
<p>That’s the spirit!</p>
<p>I only really have homework in chemistry, calculus, and physics. I don’t do the homework in physics, but I still do well on the tests somehow. Calculus i really kicking my butt right now since I missed a day, but I’m trying to get back on track. Chemistry is fine. I’m just being lazy and not doing the homework until the period class period before :/</p>
<p>How is your workload?</p>
<p>very very very difficult. chem lab due tomorrow, french test, english essay.
bio test friday, english test, math test. our ap chem class is the hardest in the school</p>
<p>I agree with everyone else, drop ap bio and stick with chem. </p>
<p>Ap Bio is really easy at my school. We haven’t gotten any homework so far</p>
<p>Luckily my Chemistry class is a block class. We’re able to do labs every week. </p>
<p>For your overload of tests: Try to think of them as just another assignment. Not something that counts toward 40% (or even 90% in one class) of your grade. If you don’t understand something, teach yourself through the test. I usually talk myself through tests as if my teacher was working it out on the board.</p>
<p>im dropping ap chemistry. definitely. too much stress and ill destroy my gpa.</p>
<p>Dang. </p>
<p>Were you ever good at chemistry? Do you undertand writing equations from sentences, limiting reagents, oxidation, polar bonds and the stuff?</p>
<p>yeah… im not dropping. who cares if i get 2 b’s in those classes. ill try my best and head towards my dream. and your chem class is probably easier than mine</p>
<p>Yay! You’re not dropping! </p>
<p>I wouldn’t say your class I easier than mine. It’s probably a difference of teachers. My teacher has always taught us at an AP level. She started in us since Pre-AP. (That’s why we had two chemistry teachers: One for AP and one for Non AP track students). She’s always moved fast. She teaches us helpful tips and makes it part f our foundation so it’s second nature. She’s a great teacher and with the block it is easier. But not because we’re going over “easier” material. It’s because we have more time. You might get 50 minutes to learn about acids and which ones were the strongest ones. We have an hour and a half to do labs, discuss homework, learn the work, go to the boards, and start in our homework. </p>
<p>Plus, the students mindset affects how easy or hard the class is going to be. I honestly want you show me a sample of your homework and I want to see if I can do it (granted if I’ve even learned it since we are in different schools let alone different states.)</p>
<p>oh trust me you can do my hw in ap chem. its just that the class is like 80% lab… the teacher goes over the basics and then expects us to apply it to super hard tests with problems ive never seen before. way harder than the tests in prep books, and then every test is like that. i dont feel like im learning anything but just repeatedly doing labs and i dont understand labs fully either…
so im thinking of dropping</p>
<p>I can help you. Don’t drop it. You just said you’ll tough it through. What did you learn today?</p>