Help! I don’t know which one to take! I am a current sophomore. As you can tell from my screen name, I want to become a cardiac surgeon. However, I overhear many juniors while I walk down the hallway of the buildings saying things like, “OMG I failed by bio quiz!” or “OMG I should have never taken AP Bio!” This truly perplexes me because I want to go through high school with straight A’s and maintain both my weighted and unweighted GPA. I do not want to get a B in AP Bio. For Pre-Med admission, which course will look better, AP Bio or AP Chem? I also read on that some of the UC campuses strongly recommend (require) 2 Subject SAT’s. For pre-med, will it be better if I take AP Chem and give the Chemistry test, or AP Bio and give the Biology test? (BTW, in my senior year, I plan on taking Honors Anatomy and Physiology, which is a course offered at my school). I value all of your opinions so please please take the time to respond. I will greatly appreciate it!
Competitive schools want to see some HS courses of bio, chem and physics. IMO, you would be better served to take AP bio as a junior and then AP chem as a senior, not A&P. Hopefully you’ll have a spot for at least honors physics somewhere as well.
For pre-med both are valuable but Bio would be more relevant. I am taking it right now and its a pain for me since I am a math person not conceptual.
AP Bio test is easier than AP chem. AP bio is far easier to understand because you can relate it to knowledge you currently possess. AP chem uses more math and you will see concepts that will be very hard to understand
ap chem - 5
ap bio - currently taking