AP Biology compared to IB Biology HL

Hey guys! Can anyone please tell me how is IB Biology HL compared to AP Biology in terms of the curriculum? Does one cover a lot more than the other? Is there a big difference?
Thank you very much in advance :slight_smile:

At my kids’ school, the SL will cover 85%, so you could sit the AP as a junior or wait until senior year.

Thank you!

So I have just finished taking AP Biology this year and will be taking IB Biology HL next year. AT my school the AP Biology course, is the pre-requisite for the IB Biology Course. The difference between AP Biology and IB Biology HL is the fact that AP Biology is more focused on learning particular concepts, math skills, and labs and has tests and an AP Exam consisting of mostly multiple choice, with a few FRQs. The AP Biology course is great for the those who love to memorize as the testing involved with the cirriculum focuses mostly on comprehension of given topics. IB Biology HL on the other hand is more about the depth and scope of one’s knowledge of Biology, as examinations and tests associated with this program are heavily writing-based and requires deep and complex explanations of concepts and rarely will you ever see multiple choice questions, although you can from time to time. They are both great cirriculums and programs, it all depends on what typeof student or learner you are really. In my opinion, I feel as if IB Biology is much more challenging in the fact that there is a bit more material and that you have to be able to thoroughly explain concepts, but the rigor is still there in both AP Bio and IB Bio HL. Colleges accept both and are just as impressed or accepting one cirriculum of as the other. As aforementioned, when choosing a program it all depends on the kind of student you are. Hope this was helpful :slight_smile:

At our school HL Bio is a one year, 2 period block and students may take the AP test at the end if desired.

@IvyCupcake78 , @VickiSoCal Thank you soo much guys!! Your answers were really helpful indeed. :smiley:

I’ll chime in as a parent whose kid took pre-AP Bio and then IB Bio HL.

For any of her pre-AP and AP classes, studying has involved rote memorization and then recognition of the information on the tests (for school, I’m not talking about the AP exams themselves).

She studied that way for her first IB HL Bio test and promptly made a 50!

So the method that her served her well all of these years and placed her with a great rank and GPA was suddenly not going to work for IB. It was a HUGE reality check for her and her classmates who bombed it in the same way.

IB Bio HL involves knowing concepts and processes in great detail. I have a Masters degree in a healthcare field and I have to say some of these processes and systems and concepts…I didn’t see them until I was in graduate school. You will have to explain the information, analyze and compare and most importantly you will need to be able to write them in out in short answer and essay form throughout the year.

Hope that helps!

Thank you @carachel2 ! :smiley: