What should I take next year? IB Biology HL 11 or AP Biology?

<p>As the time for scheduling comes around, I was wondering what path I should take for biology (I am thinking of going pre-med). I could either take AP Biology junior year and then take a college microbiology course senior year, OR I could take the two years of IB Biology HL. Which path looks better to selective colleges, and more importantly, which path would allow me to learn the most? Thanks, and any extra information the differences between IB Biology HL and AP Biology would greatly help! Thanks again!!!!!</p>

<p>I think both choices are pretty much the same. AP Bio should be equivalent to IB Bio HL, but I think you might just get a very teeny tiny bit more out of IB because aside from the core content, you can study a few more topics. But either way, I don’t think there’s really much of a difference.
I’m not even sure if anything I just said made any sense.</p>

<p>Don’t trust my word though. I’m only a sophomore and I’m going to do IB Biology HL myself next year.</p>

<p>I’m a senior in IB Bio HL, and I personally think it’s great. It has a lot of the same stuff as AP, but it’ll hold more weight. You’ll learn a ton in IB. Ask the whoever teaches it, if you have specific questions. If you have any other questions about it, ask me. I love my biology class.</p>