<p>Hey Guys! I am a sophmore now and I was thinking of taking AP Calc BC during the summer. I am going to join IB next year and we are doing AP calc AB, so I thought if I do it over the summer, it will be some help. But is it capable of doing though? I am one of the top 3 students in my fast-track math class. I get A's on every test.
I am taking this online on FLVS.</p>
<p>BC Calculus doesn’t have a lot that AB Calculus doesn’t also have. Some of the big things I remember include:</p>
<p>Applications of integration
Solid of integration (I think there’s only a small about of this in BC)
Infinite series
Taylor series, Maclaurin series, and everything associated with them
Integrating in parametric and polar</p>
<p>It shouldn’t be hard to learn that all by yourself. Just get a textbook and start.</p>
<p>The flvs course is a really long one and a lot of work, but if you are strong in math you should be able to handle it. Just budget your time and make sure you have a scanner (it makes things a lot easier)!</p>
<p>I am taking BC this year and took AB last year and some other differences that come to mind other than what tuftsstudent said are L’hospitals rule and more advanced integration stuff (int by parts, partial fractions, improper int). Also I think minimizing and maximizing problems are pretty tough (I don’t recall covering that in AB but I might be wrong). In my opinion the hardest to learn is probably series/sequences.</p>
<p>thanks guys. I think I’ll just take environmental science online. I’ll wait for ap calc BC in my senior year. Thanks.
<p>How difficult would it be to take AB in school (the only calculus class my school offers), but take the BC exam instead of the AB one?</p>