<p>This will be the official AP Calculus AB Thread.</p>
<p>Hey, everyone. Upcoming senior, AP Calc AB this coming fall.
I saw that a thread was there for the 2011 Thread, but the discussions that were still being held were in regards to the AP exam. </p>
<p>So, anyone else taking AP Calc AB this fall?
Anyone have tips on how to prepare for the class?
For the people who started school already, how were the first few days of classes for you?</p>
<p>Also, this thread is for help (not like homework help, but just general help)</p>
<p>Like if someone is confused on what the chain rule is, we can help that person. (but we wouldn't help them with their individual homework questions).</p>
<p>Yea im taking it this year as well. Im a senior also. We got a new guy teaching it this year but he seems really good. We haven’t really done anything yet since yesterday was the first day but he said that today we’re gonna get started. According to him, we’ll be dine with all the material by mid-February. He also said he doesn’t check homework which makes me super happy</p>
<p>Done witht he material by February! Wow, that’s fast. Anyway, good lucky jspeed. My school doesn’t start unti the day after labor day. So I have some time before school starts.</p>
<p>Anyway here is a useful website for us calculus students:
[url=<a href=“http://www.khanacademy.org/]Khan”>http://www.khanacademy.org/]Khan</a> Academy<a href=“I%20have%20%20used%20this%20website%20in%20conjunction%20with%20the%20barrons%20book,%20and%20I%20pretty%20much%20had%20the%20curriculum%20down%20after%203%20weeks.%20People%20should%20really%20use%20this%20website!”>/url</a></p>
<p>Yea khan academy is a great site. I had a lot of summer work to do for my ap physics class and it helped a lot. I’m sure it’ll be the same for calculus. Right now we’re just reviewing and we wont get to the real stuff for 2-3 weeks
btw, you’re the lucky one because you don’t have to start school until after labor day. I wish I could have summer til then</p>
<p>So for people who have already started school, what have you learned s far?</p>
<p>uh well at my school we’ve just been reviewing and we have a test sometime next week. (School got canceled because of the hurricane so I’m not sure when the test is now.) pretty much a quick run-through from slopes to all these functions. we’ll do trig next week and then after that we start the actual calculus stuff I believe.</p>
<p>Literally took the hardest test of my life today. It was only review but he didn’t prepare us at all for it and it was 5 pages front and back and somehow he wanted us to do that in 45mins…
2 girls left crying. Literally everyone in the class thinks they failed</p>
<p>Darn man… I am so sorry. (especially the chicks…) Even though it was hard, hopefully you got by… What was the review on? Like logs, exponents, sinusinal graphs (sine and cosine). Or did it even have review on geometry?</p>
<p>Haha I kinda wanted to get a good start in this class but that’s probably not gonna happen. But the review was on everything about functions all the parent function graphs along with logs and their graphs and exponential graphs with some trig thrown in there that completely surprised everyone</p>
<p>Alright well that well that is why this thread is here. If you have a test (whether it is on topics that you don’t understand/just studying to ensure a good grade) then you can ask questions on this thread. (Just don’t ask specific homework questions. When school begins for everyone, people will be using this thread for help. I suggest you do the same from now on.</p>
<p>Yea I guess I probably will. Idk I used to be able to take a math test without studying for it at all and still manage an A. The fact that he doesn’t check homework makes me not want to do it at all which most likely led to my terrible grade. Got a 69 btw. The year just started and im already failing a class…
Well don’t you start school next week?</p>
<p>Yeah I start on Tuesday. I think I will make a study Guide for each chapter now. Since the first unit for you was review. I’ll just make my study guide on the second chapter(Limits). Don’t worry jspeed12, next time with this thread’s help you will get an A on your next test.</p>
<p>Yea second chapter for me is limits and more trig as well. What textbook are you guys using?</p>
<p>Well, school hasn’t started yet. I start on Tuesday. Also, I found a website that can help.
[Online</a> Calculus Book & Video Lectures](<a href=“http://www.tutor-homework.com/Math_Help/Calculus.html]Online”>Online Calculus Book & Video Lectures)</p>
<p>All you need are the pdfs. Also, the chapters that are AP Calc AB are roughly (1-9).</p>
<p>hmm looked through that website and it looks pretty helpful. will def be using it throughout the year. I’ve done all my hw for the week like a good little boy so i can get an A in the class. It’s really bothering me that im failing the class and there’s nothing I can do about it.
Good luck on the first day tomorrow!</p>
<p>yeah thanks jspeed, i hope the website helps you!</p>
<p>A couple of other people from CC and I decided to form a facebook study group for Calc.
If any of you want to join, say so here or PM me, and I’ll PM you the link… (:</p>
<p>We just started it yesterday, so not much activity yet, but hopefully soon there will be! :)</p>
<p>Day 1 happened… we discussed slope</p>
<p>I’m a few days into my class. This is the first time the teacher is teaching it but he was my teacher last year, as well as everyone else in the class. We come into the class with a basic understanding of the first chapter of the book from the year before. Homework for the first day was a limits worksheet that we used the year before. I forgetten how to do some of the proplems but I get them now that we went over it/I found my worksheet form last year. Our textbook is from the company that uses Calc Chat.com so we can see the odds done out step by step I finding it slightly confusing when I tried to use it for help. Hope you two are off to a great school year.</p>
<p>Yeah my class had a practice quiz 2 days ago on limits. Part 1 was on normal limits (7/10) - that was the average for part 1, and I got an 8/10 for part 2. We are almost done with limits, and we are about to start delta epsilon proofs.</p>