<p>so am I the only one bending this class over and raping it? It's ridiculously easy to me and I thought it was going to be difficult. PreCalc was more difficult IMO.</p>
<p>Yes, you are. The rest of us don’t support violent crime. </p>
<p>My class isn’t hard, it’s just kind of stupid.</p>
<p>I agree that it really doesn’t take much work to pass the class. You don’t even have to know WHY some theorem works, just that it does.</p>
<p>haha yea, precalc was hard, but so far, the first semester seems like review of precalc, idk, maybe its just me</p>
<p>I’m raping it also. It’s not very hard at all. I’m in BC though.</p>
<p>Yeah AP Calculus is the easiest math class I’ve had since Algebra I.</p>
<p>I think it’s pretty easy… All though my teacher teaches us one think throughout the chapter, and makes the tests ridicuous… Still, I had an A.</p>
<p>It has this reputation as being the hardest class in our school, as such only four people are taking it this year. However, I certainly am having no trouble and I’m pretty sure no one else is. Its not like all we do is review, our teacher hates that, we do next to no review. Its just that its really well taught. It kinda bugs me how scared people are of it, just because the teacher won’t hold their hand. There are people taking Calc 1 this year with plans to take AP AB next year, which is ridiculous considering they overlap for almost half the year, they are almost the same except AP is faster and covers more. I can’t imagine how boring that would be.</p>
<p>tl;dr People need to take more academic risks.</p>
<p>And pre-calc was more difficult. I think its because it has way more concepts, whereas AP calc essentially has about three: limits, derivatives, and integrals.</p>
<p>My AP Calc(BC) class is kicking my butt. I got 99s in precalc which was ridiculously easy and now im struggling for a B in calc… my teacher is awful and the tests are ridiculous. When you dont understand something or do something wrong all she says is … I dont know what youguys dont get about this… which is extremely helpful obviously</p>
<p>its not rape if you yell surprise! haha
i mean i wouldnt say i raped the class, I had to work for my A. some people i know had a really hard time with it, some people slept through it and still made good grades.</p>
<p>water1234, THANK YOU for not being the only one; I’m in the same situation. (I did BC without AB first.)</p>
<p>For me, though, it’s the lack of confidence (long story) more than anything else. </p>
<p>That and the fact that my teacher gives us too much homework.</p>
<p>If my school offered BC I would have taken it, but it only offers AB. </p>
<p>PreCalc had way more to learn, but the more I get into Calc the more I realize what a waste of time much of PreCalc was, such as when we learned to take derivatives in PreCalc the long way through the definition of derivative. </p>
<p>And water my teacher’s the same way, which makes it so there’s only about 3 A’s in all of her Calc classes (fortunately I am one of them) and plenty of F’s. </p>
<p>There’s something about Calc that seems like second nature to me though. It’s as if it relies more on pure intelligence than on memorization, or at least algebraic fluency if not intelligence. PreCalc was harder for me because I was too lazy to memorize everything.</p>
<p>I’m jealous of you guys. For me it doesn’t seem to be that hard, and yet I still find myself having trouble sometimes.</p>
<p>Wow you guys are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo amazing because ur good at AP Calc.</p>
<p>pre calc was in no means harder, if u havent done rotating and integreating and **** with rectangles, it gets to be a *****, if u want a match challenge in high school try ap physics lol</p>
<p>math* i cant spell, thats why i am going into engineering</p>
<p>yeah thankfully the teacher is leaving in january because shes pregnant but we are getting the old department head back who is tough to learn from… but gradewise he makes sure everyone has an 80 so gradewise ill eb fine however… as a senior im not exactly givign 100% in every class but my one goal for the year is to really learn calculus so that when i take ti in college it is easier and im also planning on goign into engineering so i really need to get a good grasp on this stuff… anyone have any suggestions on how to better understand calculus besides paying attention in class and stuff?</p>
<p>yeah bc was a joke.
multi kind of pwns me though</p>
<p>what’s the point of taking AB and then BC? aren’t they like 80% the same?</p>
<p>I’m in regular calc now and I have like a 99, even though the teacher is horrible. I’m pretty sure I could self study for the exam but I’m not sure if it’s worth it.</p>