AP Chem: The Exam.....

<p>I have an A+ in the class, and am much quicker in learning things in the rest of the class...but it just seems like there is so much material that we will have not covered come exam time...is this normal for an AP Chem class?
Also, roughly what percentage of thr MC do you have to get for a 5? I've heard that the MC is what makes or breaks your score on the AP Chem, as the Free response is relatively easy in comparisson. Thanks...</p>

<p>getting 50 right is usually good enough for a 5 (on the final exam last year, which was a model AP, i got 53 right, 20 wrong and 2 omit, and got a 5 by quite a bit)</p>

<p>Wow...does anyone have more specific info though? But thanks ckmets, that makes me feel a lot more confident.</p>

<p>i think you need to get a 60% overall. If you know your stuff and the AP course at your school isn't a joke, then you'll be fine.</p>

<p>the part II is pretty easy, make sure you get some old reactions to practice (that is #4 on the part 2 and its worth 15 points), the biggest topic for part 2 is acid base equilibrium, # 1 is worth 10 points i think and 2 of every 3 years its acid base. lab question you really cant study for, then 6 7 and 8 are theory which really tests whether you know chem.
multiple choice good things to know are the colors of transition metals, derivations of the formula pv=nRT (how to get density and molar mass with it) and be really quick with stoichiometry conversions.</p>