AP Chemistry 2 help needed

I am a sophomore that is currently taking AP Chemistry 2 (a lot of sophomores at my school take it). The problem is that the end of the marking period is near and the maximum grade I can get is a B+. However, I am not as worried about the marking period as I am about the semester. How can I achieve an A in the next marking period and in the mid-term exam? I am already going through sleeping schedule problems with only 5 hours of sleep every day and I also want to know what other resources except the book we have can I use considering I do the book work practice we get and always read the sections?

Get a tutor. Did you take Chem 1 as a freshman?

Yes. I did take Chemistry 1 as a freshman.

Both my sons are in AP Chem 2 this year (same class). One is a Sophomore and the other is a Senior, I’ve noticce that the sophomre is not picking up “clues” in the lab work and is more easily frustrated. I think at least in our house there is a maturity issue going on. The younger one is looking for formaluas to “plug and chug” his way through and at times missing the bigger picture. Perhaps you can try to take a step back and look at you work?

Ok I will. The thing it’s that I am struggling with quizzes and tests which are basically 70% of our grade.

Talk to your teacher.