<p>So I did not study for this test because I know I have to retake Chemistry in college anyway. But just so I dont feel terrible for not studying I was wondering what are some things I should memorize last minute. So far I will do..</p>
<p>names/symbols/charges of all the important ions
solubility rules
VSEPR geometries/shapes/naming/etc</p>
<p>What else is there that can be memorized today?</p>
<p>The memorization is not the hard part of chem. Its the easiest. The hard part is actually using it and using it appropriately. </p>
<p>Its hard to believe that you wouldn’t have those things memorized already, but if you don’t of course memorize E/M geometry, common ions and charges, solubility, exceptions, hybridization, etc.</p>
<p>But if you don’t know how to use those things then its useless to memorize anyway</p>
<p>If you take a look on the periodic table, under the alkali and alkali earth metals you can make a “b” with the metals starting with Li, down to Cs, side to Ba and up to Ca, and there you go, the strong bases!</p>
<p>Btw another way I find easier to track threads is the Top Right the 'Thread Tools" u click subscribe to thread and you can receive an email whenever a new post shows up.</p>
<p>Not sure if theres any other ways to keep track…</p>