Ap comp science or ap history

<p>I'm interested in business, and i'm currently trying to figure out what classes to take for my senior year. I already know i'm taking math, science, foreign language, english, history, business.
I'm taking the science course over the summer so i can fit one more class in for the year.</p>

i can't decide what to do.</p>

<p>if i decide to take ap comp science, i can only take reg history. But if i want to do ap history, i have to take reg. computer science.</p>

<p>i'm equally interested in both subjects, but which ap would help me more during college admissions?
thanks =)</p>

<p>Neither will be more beneficial to college admissions. You need to take what would be more interesting to you. If you do this, you will earn a higher grade in the course (hence, it will help you more in the college admissions process).</p>

<p>If you score well enough on the AP History exam, you can use it towards fulfilling one of the general ed courses when you go to college. This will save you money and time. On the other hand, I don’t recall many colleges requiring Intro. to Computer Science as a general ed requirement. Some (many) do require an Information and Tech requirement but it’s not the same thing as Intro. to Comp. Sci.</p>

<p>Comp Sci is considered a math elective – not science – by some colleges, so the real question is how many years of math do you have vs. history…</p>

<p>I’m not sure other people would agree with me, but if you are really interested in both subjects equally, either go with the more challenging or interesting combination based on teachers and stuff, or if everything is equal, then just go with whatever would give you the higher GPA.</p>

<p>I agree with bluebayou and shravas, but which history class is it? If it’s AP US History, I’m pretty sure a lot of selective college-bound students choose to take that class, but it’s also a pretty common junior year class so you might be taking it this year. If it’s another history (Gov, Euro, World) vs. Computer Science, I agree that you should probably go with whichever one has the better teacher and/or would allow the best GPA. As I’ve heard, however, colleges like to see that IF you’re taking many AP classes, they’re “core” AP classes like Calc, US History, Bio, Chem—not just “fluffier” APs like Psychology or Microeconomics (not sure where Comp Science would fall, but probably more towards the latter group). Just speculation though—choose whichever one interests you more!</p>

<p>you may want to check in with the AP people. They were talking about dropping the Computer Science AP exam I heard a few months ago.</p>

<p>^^^As mentioned by Futureholds…I believe this current academic year (2008-09) is the last year the AP Comp Science exam will be offered, unless something has recently changed.</p>

<p>AP Computer Science AB will not be offered after the 2008-2009 school year; however, AP Computer Science A will still be offered.</p>

<p>AP History classes will help to polish your research and writing skills.</p>

<p>thanks for all the replies…and sorry about my vagueness</p>

<p>i’m taking ap us for junior year…this year</p>

<p>and for senior year it seems as though everyone here is suggesting i take ap euro…i think i was considering what would look good to a college specializing in business…but it probably doesn’t matter because they are looking for overall complete students</p>

<p>sooooo…i think i’ll go for foreign language, ap math, english, ap euro, reg comp sci, business, physics honors for the summer…and my school makes everyone take this comm service course so now my sched…is full</p>
