Does anybody understand how AP credits work at Wesleyan? I checked the policy and it perplexed me. You can only have up to 2 credits and you also have to take the required courses in order to get the credits(for most AP). How does that even work? I don’t understand.
I need this information to help me decide where to go. Thanks for any input!
@jackwang0703 You are to be commended for researching the policy online and attempting to understand it before asking a question. Many on here don’t.
I am not connected with Wes in any way but here is my reading for what it is worth. The credits referred to are course credits (not hours), so you can earn credit via AP (or other means) for 1 or 2 Wes courses. Many elite LACs severely limit the # of pre-matriculation credits you can earn, so the low # is no surprise. My son could have entered a state flagship as a 4th semester student based on his Dual Enrollment and AP credits but chose to attend an LAC where they granted him only 4 course credits for his previous work.
Apparently the relevant academic dept grants the credit, and they may require that you successfully complete an upper level course at Wes in the same discipline before they grant you credit for the lower level AP course. Does that help?
You may get more informed responses if you ask this question in the Wes forum or directly to the school.
I already contacted Wes before posting this question and I’m waiting for their response. I’m just trying to see if anybody here has experienced the same problem before and knows about it.
I’m sorry if this looks like a stupid post but I did do research and emailed Wes with very specific questions.
It looks like you can get up to 2 course credits for AP scores which
(a) you earned a 4 or 5, and
(b) you complete the next course in the relevant department
In other words, AP scores are of very limited value for credit units, but can be useful for subject credit and advanced placement into higher level courses.
Remember that Wes gives 1 credit per class, so a full load at Wes each semester is 4 credits. You can get a maximum of 2 AP credits that count towards graduation- which is what my s did with no problem. Basically if you take an upper division course (i.e., not entry level) in the subject matter, and got a 4 or 5, you get the credit. It was easy for S. He had 5 APs where he got 4s or 5s, but two were in heavy science and he was going into humanities, so he didn’t pursue getting those credits, and since he naturally took upper division courses in history and English (i.e., no special effort required), it was easy. Keep in mind 2 credits is not insubstancial at Wes - it is half a semester.
"A student who completed an Advanced Placement course in secondary school and has achieved a score of 4 (honors) or 5 (high honors) in the Advanced Placement examination may be awarded credit after satisfaction of the relevant department’s requirements. "
I didn’t actually complete any AP courses because my school doesn’t offer any. I just self studied WH and USH and got 5s. Does that still count?
That is a question for the school. Generally, self-study is an accepted method of preparation for AP exams, but the wording of the policy at Wes is curious. Ask the registrar’s office directly.
If you have the credits, you CAN use them, but you don’t have to. My son didn’t use credit until second semester senior year- and he only used one. He had two college classes and three APs in the bank- that’s five, but one can only use two at Wesleyan. It was his opinion it’s better to bank them and then learn as much as possible. If you need/want to drop a course, then you can use one.