AP Credit!

<p>So I checked the UW Website, because I got in and i'm wondering if they accept 3's for subjects i've gotten 3's on the AP test in.</p>

<p>Turns out they do!</p>

<p>I will have 12 credits by the time I reach the campus! SWEET!</p>

<p>This means less $$$ I would have to spend going there <em>moves UW up on his list</em></p>

<p>if i go, i think i will have 50-60 hours of credit. Thats an enticing thing about madison, they dont cap.</p>

<p>Yup, I know a guy that finished in two years due to AP's and some college classes he took in HS. UW wants you to graduate--it helps their stats with the state.</p>

<p>yeah I will have 47 credits at UMD as long as I do good on this year's AP tests. I have taken a few college classes in HS too. UMD is 30 credits a year so 47 goes a long way. </p>

<p>I don't want to leave college early. I would really like to stay all 4 years. What do you do? Do you just go over. LIke will I finish with 167 or will I just take less classes per year?</p>

<p>Cheapseats - You can just go "Part-Time", as well as work an internship or another job. I mean, they want your money if you want to be there, lol.</p>

<p>Currently I have:</p>

<p>5 Hours Bio
3 hours english
6 hours euro
6 hours us
3 hours world
3 hours geography</p>

<p>= 26 hours</p>

<p>best case scenario this year =
31 hours</p>

<p>that would equal 57 hours. </p>

<p>At UGA I think I am in range for something like 70-80 lol</p>