AP dilemmas: Please help!

So AP exams are few weeks away. I had registered for four APs (Chem, Calc AB, Phy C: Mechanics, and CS). My family decided to move to USA from India in the beginning of April. I was done with my junior year by April since the indian academic year is a quarter ahead of the united states academic year ( because the summer is sort of a quarter ahead). So I finished the junior year with flying colors and since the ap syllabus was quite similar to the junior indian curriculum, I called the high school in USA and registered and paid for these four aps. Now since all these days I couldn’t find a single hour to open the review books, I don’t think if I will be confident with the exams. What should I do: skip them or appear and then reappear in senior year. Since all four of them are self studied I know (after research) that they won’t appear on my high school transcripts). Since I studied three years in India and my school there didn’t have any AP classes I don’t think NOT taking APs would affect my college app.

It really is dependent on a few things. For example, do you have other scores you plan to submit from prior years (for AP) or not? If you do, then you do have to really think about taking it before doing so.

If you do not have any scores as of yet and if you already paid, you should still take it since you have the option not to submit or mention them at all. Especially since you spent money to take the examination, it would be a better option. If you know for certain that you will not do well, then don’t take it. If you think you have enough content knowledge and only need to study a little, then still give it a shot since you still have some time left. Hope this helps!