<p>Hi Everyone.</p>
<p>I'm currently a junior and I'll be taking the AP English Language and Composition test in May. The problem is, my teacher has absolutely no idea what she's doing. This is her second year of teaching AP English. Last year, everyone who had her got 3's except for two kids who got 4/5 by self-studying. My point is, I'll have to completely self-study for this test in order to get a 5. </p>
<p>So, having said that, is there any review book you would recommend for someone who had to completely self-study for the exam? Are there any other resources in addition to the College Board website that would help in preparation for this?</p>
<p>My teacher recommended Cliffnotes for AP English exams. I’m actually in AP Lit and will be taking that exam but I also took a practice Lang multiple choice and honestly it’s not that bad. I would just practice multiple choice and the essays and have someone else who is competent grade them. </p>
<p>I’m in the exact same position as you because my AP Lang teacher is horrible, quite honestly. She can’t teach and we barely write essays, learn lit terms, or practice multiple choice. It took our class A MONTH AND A HALF to read Macbeth. Anyways, I’m using the Cliffnotes AP Lang book, as well as learning two to three literary devices a day, using this website <a href=“http://www.learnerator.com/ap-english-language”>http://www.learnerator.com/ap-english-language</a> to practice multiple choice sections (I’m aiming to do one every other day), and obviously taking as many practice tests as I can get my hands on. I would also suggest writing an essay or two a week to get used to the time limit and variety of prompts you can have on test day. Look around online for practice prompts, essays, and other multiple choice selections. It never hurts to read higher level literature, too. Honestly it’s an easy AP test to study for, I think. I took a practice test today and only missed 11 out of 54, so if you just diligently study, you’ll do fine! </p>
<p>Thank you all for the advice! chs2014 thanks, I’m thinking of getting cliffsnotes as well; I’ve heard positive reviews from many people about it. hannahr I’ll definitely check out that website, and good luck with your horrible teacher
Good luck to both of you with your exams!</p>