AP Euro Exam... should I take it?

<p>Hey guys, I’m a senior, I’m probably going to be attending a UC next year, and I have question regarding taking the AP Euro test. I’m confident that although I never took the class in HS, I think I’d be able to pass the test with a 3 or 4 because of my knowledge in the area and additional studying. I already however have taken Western Civilization from the 1500’s to present day as well as a class on WWII at my local community college. Would it be beneficial still for me to take the AP exam, or will the classes I’ve taken at CC transfer over anyways? Thanks anyone for their help!</p>

<p>The CC credits will most likely transfer, but if you like history as much as you suggest, you might want to take the test anyways to see how you stand. Still, I wouldn't suggest it unless you have $90 spare, since you aren't under any vague form of obligation to take the test like students who have taken APEC in school do.</p>

<p>Definitely Take It. It Is The Easiest Ap Test Ever. I Passed It With A 4 Only Taking Cp World History And A World War Ii Class At A Community College.</p>