AP Exams in IB

In the high school I’ll be going to, IB students are required to take AP exams for the IB courses along side the IB exams (except foreign languages- optional). So I’m going to take the AP courses that wont correspond with my IB courses online.

So, which AP Exam corresponds with the following IB courses-

IB Eng LIt
IB Math Studies/IB Pre-Cal/IB Math HL 1
IB Bio 1/IB Chem 1/IB Physics 1
IB Spanish 4
IB Phychology 1/IB Economics 1/IB Art B-1
IB Theory of Knowledge (None, right)

IBEng Lit
IB Stats & Into Cal/IB Cal & Descriptive Sats/ IB Math HL 2
IB Bio 2 or 3/IB Chem 2 or 3/ IB Physics 2 or 3
IB Contemp Hty 2 or 3
IB Spanish 5
IB Physchology 2 or 3/IB Economics 3/ IB Art B- 2 or 3
IB Theory of Knowledge (None, right)

And what does AP exams do? They give you college credit, but additional to the 0.08 to the GPA for each semester in IB, cuz you get that in AP too, after the exam will you get an extra 0.8 per semester additional to the 0.8 per semester for IB?
THANKS :smiley:

So are the courses separated by slashes possible courses or one large, compressed course? Also, I’m sorry I can’t understand your final paragraph at all. Could you explain?


I think that last paragraph is a question you need to ask your guidance counselor or IB coordinator at your school since that seems to be specific to your school. Because for me, we just get an extra point added to the GPA calculation (and you probably don’t know what I’m talking about with regards to GPA, since we go to different schools-I’m having thay same problem when you’re describing the 0.8 And 0.08 thing).

Anyway, the classes here do correspond with AP exams, not directlu overlapping, of course. I will tell you that AP exams are more detailed than IB exams and that is also reflected in the classes themselves-just look at the (massive) size of AP books compared to IB books. I’ll try and make it the list as understandable as possible.

*Note: classes like IB math HL span both Pre-calc, Calc and Stat topics, so some IB classes will have more than one class attached

IB Eng LIt: AP English Language

IB Math Studies/IB Pre-Cal: Pre-calc mainly and a bit of AP calc, not really an AP exam with this one

IB Math HL 1: Pre-calc AP Calc AB

IB Bio 1: No AP exam should be taken right now, since this is the first of 2 years of this class

IB Chem 1: (See IB Bio 1)

IB Physics 1: I’m not sure which Physics

IB Spanish 4: (See IB Bio 1) Also, this is technically your 3rd year, so no AP exam

IB Phychology 1: (See IB Bio 1)

IB Economics 1: (See IB Bio 1)

IB Art B-1: Not sure

IB Theory of Knowledge: none

IB Eng Lit- AP English Literature

IB Stats & Into Cal: I would assume AP stats/AP Calc by the name, we dont have this class

IB Cal & Descriptive Sats: (See IB Stats & Into Cal)

IB Math HL 2: Calc AB/BC, AP Stats

IB Bio 2 or 3: AP Bio

IB Chem 2 or 3: AP Chem

IB Physics 2 or 3: I don’t know

IB Contemp Hty 2 or 3: AP US History (APUSH)

IB Spanish 5: AP Spanish

IB Physchology 2 or 3: AP Psychology

IB Economics 3: AP macro/microeconomics (I’m not sure which one, we don’t have this IB class at my school)

IB Art B- 2 or 3: Again, I’m not sure

This is how they would do it at my school, I’m sorry for incorrect statements made here if someone knows better than me, please correct.

@gonfaloniere‌ slashes represent or classes. You have to chose b/w the classes.

@AdrianF24‌ Thanks :smiley:

I’d like to add on -

Of your 11th grade choices:

  • IB Eng - AP Lang
  • IB Math Studies - AP Stats (would require some self-study)
  • IB Pre-Cal - I don’t believe this is an actual IB course, and there’s no AP for it
  • IB Math HL 1 - wait til senior year to take the AP.
  • IB Bio 1 - wait til senior year to take the AP.
  • IB Chem 1 - usually people take AP Chem after the first year here, but feel free to wait til senior year.
  • IB Physics 1 - AP Physics 1 and/or 2.
  • IB Spanish 4 - AP Spanish if confident, wait til senior year if not.
  • IB Psychology 1 - AP Psych if confident, wait til senior year if not.
  • IB Economics 1 - AP Microecon
  • IB Art B-1 - AP Drawing, 2D, or 3D
  • IB TOK - none

Of your 12th grade choices:

  • IB Eng - AP Lit
  • IB Stats & Into Cal/IB Cal & Descriptive Sats - these aren’t actual IB courses as they’re known with these names, so I don’t know. Clarify with your IB Coordinator.
  • IB Math HL 2 - AP Calc BC
  • IB Bio 2 or 3 - AP Bio
  • IB Chem 2 or 3 - AP Chem
  • IB Physics 2 or 3 - AP Physics C
  • IB Contemp Hty 2 or 3 - usually no equivelant, but feel free to check with APUSH and APMEH.
  • IB Spanish 5 - AP Spanish

I find it weird your school doesn’t use the actual IB course titles for many of these. Here’s the guide to the course titles generally used - http://www.ibo.org/en/programmes/diploma-programme/curriculum/

Also, if everyone at your school is required to take the corresponding AP exam wouldn’t they already know what the corresponding exam is?

@irlandaise‌ Thanks :smiley: The courses I typed up were the courses on my course selection sheet… We should know the corresponding exam… but idk why they didn’t just put it on the sheet.

Generally it depends on the way the courses are taught at your school. Ask the IB coordinator (my school’s the same way, if it help only science and foreign language are interchangeable with AP and IB)