AP for Junior Year

Hello everyone at College Confidential, before I ask for help I just want to say hi and thank everyone who have contributed t this website.

I am thinking of taking about 5 or 6 AP Classes below, is it recommended to take them, if so then what can I do to pre-prepare?

AP English III
Heard it was hard and my teacher recommended it for me, thinking about taking it. I like reading fiction.

Heard it was also very hard and that the tests are bad as well. But I like history.

Very easy but a ton of work in my school. It seems boring.

AP Physics I (tentative)
Heard it was easy from some people.

AP Stat (tentative)
I like math but I heard it was a lot of bookwork and you are supposed to read a lot.

other classes i am taking:

Spanish 2 & 3 probably.

Should I take any over the summer like normal classes that can help me? What AP courses are recommended for self-study? Because I am thinking of spending this summer all for the SAT and ACT prep and also to rack up volunteer hours.

Is this a normal schedule? Because I also want to get all As to increase my GPA (it’s not too hot) as well. There is also AP Bio and AP Calc AB & BC. I can also double up for pre-calc and AP Calc AB if I can so that in my senior year I can go take Calc 3 at a nearby university.

To describe me: I put effort to achieve what I want and I want to be the best I can. Although I am lazy sometimes I prioritize my school above others.

Thank You for your help.

I recommend:
AP “English” (most schools indicate whether this is AP Lang or AP Lit, as there is no AP English)
AP Physics
AP Stat* (maybe - depends on you)
I wouldn’t bother with APES.

I’ll explain more here:
AP English III: Sorry, but what exactly is this? AP Language or AP Literature?
Regardless of whether it’s Lang or Lit, you should be fine if you’re good at English. AP Lang will involve timed writings and critical reading. AP Lit is more reading based, but you still have timed writings & critical reading.

APUSH: I’d recommend this, as well. If you say that you love history. It’s a core AP class, too.

APES: You said it yourself, the class is easy (you also called it boring, but that’s another issue). Hate to say this, but I wouldn’t take this class unless you’re super interested or you’re completely opposed to taking AP Bio/AP Chem/AP Physics. This isn’t a rigorous class, actually, it’s considered to be a lite AP class - adcoms know that. It would be a GPA booster though, if anything.

AP Physics: it’d be better to do this over APES. It’s algebra based (you say you like math) and you can move on to AP Physics 2, AP Physics C the following year, if you want.

You say that you’re interested in/good at most of these subjects - so that’s a good sign. This is a doable schedule. But you need to consider how well you’re doing with your current course load and time needed for ECs.

I don’t think any are “recommended for self-study” but the ones I’ve often hear people self-study for the test (and pass) were APES, AP Psych, AP Stat, AP Human Geo.
You can do an AP Foreign Language if you’re proficient enough in a language (w/out taking the class).
Anything’s possible here… Some people self-study the harder APs and get 4-5.

I’m not sure if doing Pre-Calc and AP Calc AB is a good idea, to be honest.

AP Stat what about that class. And what are EC’s?

EC’s are extracurricular activities.

The workload in any one class will depend upon the teacher. You should ask current students in the classes.

My recommendation:

AP English: I assume you mean AP English Language as opposed to AP English Literature. This course will involve a lot of writing, which will prove invaluable as you write essays for college applications the following year.

APUSH: You need USH to graduate and you like history

AP Physics 1: Core science. If you like, you can take AP Physics 2 or AP Physics C the following year.

Other thoughts:

I don’t recommend this; you need to have a solid background in pre-calc first.

An solid option if you want to double up on science.

None. Colleges prefer you to actually take the class.

How many APs/honor classes did u take last year, if this is your first year with APs you’ll probably end up dropping most of the classes. It’s very common for high schoolers to take enroll in a lot of APs during their jr year just to realize that these classes are completely different and probably not for them. Idk you but in my hs there were the kids who took honors and advance classes the first 2 years in hs and by that time a work load of 4 5 APs wasn’t too bad on them. And then there the kids who want to say there taking ap classes so they take 4 or 5 APs just to drop all of then besides psych.

Alright then if any of you have taken these classes what have you felt about them?

I’ve taken AP Psych and AP Chem in Sophomore year and I am doing pretty well (A’s) in them. Anything recommended to do over sophomore summer?

AP English III
=> AP Lang or AP Lit? Check with your English teacher.
In any case, take it, it’s a core class.
To prepare, read (magazines, fiction, nonfiction)

=> Yes, it’s very hard, but you like history and it’s a core class.
To prepare, read historical nonfiction like Guns, germs, and steel or fiction that takes place in the US at any point in the past, from Caleb’s Crossing or Countdownand Revolution by Wiles to March by Lewis…)
Those would also serve for AP Language, so 2 birds/1 stone.

=> don’t bother. Or save it for senior year to have a breather.

AP Physics I
=> good idea, definitely better than APES

AP Stat
=> pointless since you’re taking calculus. HOWEVER it’s a very useful class to take in college (employers will like to see it on your college transcript).

Pre-Calc => take this year, and calculus senior year if you do well in it. To prepare, review Algebra2 through Khan academy, perhaps look at the precalc videos too.
Spanish 2 & 3 probably => you need a foreign language up to level 4 or AP if you’re aiming for selective colleges. To prepare, watch Spanish-language movies (NOT American movies dubbed in Spanish, but actual films made by Spanish-language diretors, from Cuaron’s Y Tu mama tambien to anything Almodovar to the Chilean “NO”…) or spanish-language tv shows, from telenovelas to teen shows from Spain…
(You can also enjoy Jane the Virgin directly in Spanish, or use the “Anglo” version with parts in English and parts in Spanish).

Alright but I also have AP Bio, should I take it now or later in my senior year? What would be a good thing to do over the summer of junior year?

You can take AP Bio your senior year, sure.
Over the summer of junior year, you should and do something you love, and perhaps see if you can spend time with your parents and siblings together on a family vacation, as it’s likely the last time you’ll be able to. Ever.

Do not shy away from any AP class friend. Take all you can. What i recommend you do is during the weekends you maybe study or look over some things for like U.S history or physics and stats. Like 30 mins each day week. Thats 2 hours each saturday and sunday. It will put you ahead. Then you should try getting your hands o the US. history textbook and try reading and taking notes on it. It will help you a lot
-Good luck

AP English language is a must- a lot of busy work but it will help you a lot for college. The difference between regular English an AP is insane. In regular English you just sit and talk and in AP you actually learn and develop good school habits.
AP US History- amazing class if you didn’t take AP world it might be a little hard of a transition but if you keep on task and try as hard you can you’ll probably pass the class and the AP test.
AP physics if you really like science if not regular physics will be hard enough.
A language fersure idk what level your in ur language class but if you somehow manage to get up all the way to an AP language class like Spanish even if you have to take some courses in the summer it will help you so much for your college aps. If your white and you make it all the way to AP Spanish that’s pretty boss and colleges will be very impressed by u.
Those are enough AP’s in my opinion and for your math take a level where u know you’ll do well in and take an easy elective.

Also make flash cards!! For AP US like for your homework when their terms due make them into flash cards and keep them together by the time May roles round you’ll be ready to study as much as you can. Remember the reason for taking AP’s is too pass the test(saving you time and money at college) so try hard everyday junior and sophomore are the years that matter the most. GL

What about AP Physics II? or should I take AP Stat? Which one is easier and looks better on the transcript?

AP Stat

AP Physics 2, although not a valid reason for taking or not taking a course.