<p>I have a huge passion for language, maintaining an A+ average in my Spanish courses (I,II,III,AP Lang, V) over the last four years and being the first student to double up on Spanish III and AP (thereby becoming the first to take Spanish V), and have been casually studying French for about two years. I met with a tutor for a few months, and succeeded in dramatically bettering my pronunciation, but have lost a great deal else in the time since we stopped meeting (SPELLING!!!!!).</p>
<p>However, I was finally cleared to take French I-III online through my high school (and have been flying through them); I expect to be finished with all six semesters by early March. Does this give me enough time to take AP? I have several books on Intermediate French Grammar, and have been able to convert a lot of my Spanish resources, worksheets, and vocab lists into an APish French equivalent. I have found a local school which could administer the exam, and really only need a three on the exam.</p>
<p>I have just been accepted to Cornell, and plan on studying the language there regardless; however, I would love to both add to my list of APs (this would make my 20th exam) and show my school, which decided to dismantle the French program my freshman year, that a foreign language program taught online would be a smart investment.</p>
<p>Oui ou non?</p>